Part 53

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Sabre Pov-

As I hugged Goggles I could hear Whispers of the steves, They sounded confused and Shocked as Goggles looked over them, Tightening his grip on me slightly.

 "Perhaps You all would like a explanation?" He asked as I buried my head into his lab coat, He had grown taller since I last saw him while I was the same height.

 "Yes please, How are you alive?" Light asked as Goggles laughed.

 "Simple really, The Red steves never went extinct, Did you really think we were all gone after the darkness attacked us?" He asked as I felt myself Tense. The darkness... "We never died, Simply went into hiding until we learned that the darkness was no more and the missing piece to our Family had Returned." At this people whispered among themselves in more confusion.

 "What do you mean? Sabre only knew one Red steve!" Light exclaimed, obviously confused.

 "I knew more then One light..." I spoke up as he looked at me in shock. "I knew a entire kingdom full... Goggles here was," Goggles made a small sound of protest as I spoke, as if not wanting me to say his real name. "excited Red steve. I called him Goggles because of his Goggles, which, You still wear..."

 At this Goggles Chuckled. "I said I'd wear them forever didn't I?" At this I realized that we both kept up to what we said.

 "and I wore a chicken onsie, Oh my gosh, I predicted something!"

 "And so did I. But why are you hiding your eyes and wings Elan? They're beautiful." He asked as I hesitated.

 "I... I don't want to talk about it yet."

 "You don't have to Elan." Grandpa Said as he walked over with Explorer. "We missed you as much as you missed us."

 "Hey! Don't forget about me!" One of the cloaked figures said as he pushed off his hood. "I'm the one who found him when He was a kid!"

 "Papa!" I shouted as He grinned and Joined the hug.

 "Hey little guardian, do you wanna see the new kingdom?"

 "Yeah! Goggles can Light come with?" I asked as He nodded.

 "Of course."

 "Wait what-"


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