Part 52~ Goggles does not tolerate anyone hurting his brother

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Sabre Pov-

"Well I've done my fair share of research and Elan here is right." A extremely cheerful and slightly insane voice said from behind me as I felt someone put they're hand on my shoulder.

 I Tensed slightly as I glanced at the hand on my shoulder before freezing in shock. Red. Wait... He knows my real name. I looked at the person as I felt all the tension leave my body. Goggles...

 "Wha- Who are you and why are you protecting Sabre?" Sol asked as Goggles Hummed before removing his hand and smiling while leaning forward.

 "My name is Professor Red. And why I'm protecting Elan?" He can tell it's me? "He's my brother! Of course I'll protect my brother!" Suddenly he laughed before taking out a control panel and pressing a button. "And I do not tolerate anyone hurting my brother."

 As he pressed the button there was a whirring sound before A robot that looked oddly like the design I had made jumped at Sol who screamed.

 "WHAT THE HELL?" He screamed as He was pinned to the ground as The Robot looked over at Goggles.

 "What do you think we should Do with him Explorer?" Goggles asked as I blinked in surprise, Explorer was here as well?

 "It's Red apprentice Professor." M said as He flicked off his hood. "you should know that by now."

 "Goggles...? Explorer?" I found myself asking, My voice full of unshed tears.

 "That's us Elan! You don't know how long We've been trying to find you!" Goggles exclaimed as He hugged me tightly as I felt tears start streaming down my face as I let out a chocked sob.

 "Y-Your a-alive..."

 "And so are you Elan." Leader said as I looked over at him as he took off his hood. "I'm glad your alright grandson."

 "I-I... I m-missed you a-all!"

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