Part 49

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Sabre Pov-

 I heard Light, M and Leader gasp in shock before I snapped out of my trance and Ran in between the two. I could see the surprise in Sol's gaze when he saw me, As well as everyone else's. Sol's gaze hardened however when The child clung to my pant leg.

 "Give me the child." He growled as He held his Sword and I felt my normal fake smile turn into a real scowl.

 "Never, Am I ever, going to let a child get hurt." I growled as everyone looked surprised, Probably because I wasn't smiling. I turned towards the child and felt my face soften as I whispered in his ear. "Go to Light okay? He'll keep you safe." The child nodded before Running to Light and I turned back to Sol.

 "Sabre." He growled as He held his sword tightly.

 "Sol." I snapped back as He growled again.

 "You have no idea what your doing, That child has the revival stone." Sol growled as my gaze sharpened. I could tell that The child knew how to control it, And knew what would happen if he did revive someone.

 "And you don't know what your doing Sol. Revival stones are not to be messed with or used."

 "You don't know what your talking about."

 "Oh really now? I know a lot more then you think." I growled as I took my dagger from my pocket out, It wasn't much but I didn't have my sword on me nor did I want to show people my Powers.

 "So you want to fight me?" Sol asked as he suddenly seemed prideful.

 "I don't want to. But I do have to in order to protect everyone else." I said simply as He laughed.

 "Oh really now? Lets see how you take a bit of Lightning then." he snapped as He suddenly threw his hand forward and sent Lightning at me.


 "Your shocks do nothing to me." I had growled as the man increased the amount of electricity that was in the shocks.

 "They will now brat." he had snapped as he shocked me and I felt the pain once more.

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