Part 50~ Sabre's still standing

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Sabre Pov-

As the lightning cleared I could see the fear on everyone's faces turn to shock that I was still standing. As I blinked I could feel my old instincts come up as A maniac grin appeared on my face as I started Laughing at Sol's face. Sol looked confused, Shocked and slightly afraid.

 "HOW ARE YOU ALIVE?" He yelled as I calmed down my laughter to a dark chuckle as I noticed more cloaked Figures holding back corrected sun members, Some corrected sun members took off they're helmets and gave up.

 "How? HOW? YOU WANT TO KNOW?" I shouted as Everyone looked at me as I stomped my foot, Anger seeping from me. "ELECTRIC SHOCKS! EVERY. FUCKING. DAY. FOR. THREE. HUNDRED. YEARS!" I screamed as He flinched and everyone's eyes widened. Sol growled as he held his sword out.

 "Your lying. Humans can't live that long." He spat as I felt Anger erupt in me.

 "HUMAN? HUMAN? YOU THINK I'M HUMAN?" I screamed as I moved swiftly and Knocked him to the ground as His eyes widened. "HUMANS RUINED MY LIFE! THEY KILLED MY BIOLOGICAL FAMILY AND TOOK ME FROM MY HOME! I AM NOT HUMAN!"

 My dagger was at his throat before I was pulled off by a Yellow steve who looked angry.

 "DON'T HURT SOL!" He yelled as dropped me and attempted to stab me with a knife, I dodged as A grin appeared on my face.

 "So your fine with him killing a child's father in front of them? Of him ruining someone's life?" I asked as The steve hesitated. "Your fine with him wanting to revive someone who if they are revived will never be the same again? If they die again then they'll be in the world below? Your fine with that?"

 "Well- no..." The steve mumbled as I turned to look at Sol who had gotten back up and was glaring at me.

 "He's lying." Sol stated as he looked over everyone and glared at the people who wore cloaks and were holding back his guards. "The child deserved it and the revival stones don't do that." as he spoke I felt anger in my bones, Why was he saying that? No child deserved pain like that. Suddenly everyone looked shocked as I looked at them confused.

 "Well I've done my fair share of research and Elan here is right." A extremely cheerful and slightly insane voice said from behind me as I felt someone put they're hand on my shoulder.

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