Chapter 3

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When Cen Xinyan called, Jungkook had just finished taking a shower.

He walked over to the coffee table, wrapped in a bathrobe, glanced at the incoming call display, casually picked up his phone, and continued drying his hair.

On the other end of the line, Cen Xinyan was very polite, first greeted him warmly, and then mentioned that Lisa's temper wasn't very gentle, asking him to be more considerate.

Between the lines, she had taken on the image of a caring mother worried about her daughter.

If he hadn't grown up with Lisa since childhood, he might have really thought that their mother-daughter relationship was harmonious. However, she was after all, his mother-in-law, so Jungkook reined in his casual attitude as a young master and politely replied, "You're being too polite."

Cen Xinyan smiled and exchanged some pleasantries before getting to the point, "Lisa seems to be in a bad mood these past two days. She had a fit of anger and smashed things at home, then went shopping at Hengwu Tower. Did you two have a fight?"

Jungkook sat down on the sofa and casually threw the towel he was using to dry his hair aside.

He felt that Cen Xinyan's oversight was too broad, and he couldn't help but bring a hint of indifference to his tone, "Isn't she always fond of dressing up?"

Every time they attended a gathering, she wouldn't leave the house unless she was all dressed up beautifully.

In his memory, during one summer vacation,Mingygu and a few others insisted on going fishing. Jungkook wasn't very interested in this middle-aged people's hobby, but for some reason, he went along that time.

They drove to Lisa's house in a grand procession of cars and waited for her for a long time before she finally came out.

That scene, for some reason, remained deeply etched in Jungkook's memory.

He remembered she was wearing a blue dress; the hem of the dress seemed to have a bit of pearl-like luster, shimmering in the sunlight.

With a well-proportioned figure and a slightly raised chin, she walked towards them with a straight back, like a beautiful and proud little peacock.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Jungkook lightly chuckled, his meaning unclear.

When he saw her that night, he immediately associated her with some animal in the zoo... a showy little animal. He couldn't recall what it was called at that time, but it turned out to be a peacock.

Thinking about it carefully, it was quite fitting.

"It's good that you didn't fight," on the other end of the phone, Cen Xinyan's voice remained composed, "Jungkook, I know you may feel wronged, but this is for the benefit of both our families. The die has been cast, and I still hope that you both can get along well."

"You're overthinking it. We understand all these reasons," Jungkook replied in a nonchalant manner.

His tone wasn't dismissive, but it lacked sincerity.

Cen Xinyan said a few more words and then gracefully ended the call. Before hanging up, she kindly reminded him – Lisa's car might have some minor issues, and she hoped he could go pick her up.

Jungkook lightly tugged at the corner of his lips and casually threw his phone on the sofa.

It was very rare, but at this moment, he found a resonance with Lisa – if Cen Xinyan were his mother, his rebellious psychology might be even more severe, and his temper could be even more arrogant than that young lady's.

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