Chapter 16

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Mingyu was still pretending to cry, complaining that Jungkook was too heartless and not worthy of being his father. Jungkook leaned against the sofa, coldly watching him, unmoved by his exaggerated expressions.

Mingyu wailed even louder.

Wonwoo and Jaehyun couldn't stand it and came forward to mediate.

Everyone was making a commotion, and for the moment, no one noticed the slight movement not far away.

Moreover, Jungkook's living room was spacious, and Lisa was sitting alone on a single-seat sofa, which happened to have a clear view of He Sui.

The other people were sitting on the left side of her. If they didn't turn their heads, the area behind the sofa was basically in their blind spot.

In any case, the situation wasn't too bad at the moment.

Lisa breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she was mentally prepared for the announcement of their marriage, it certainly didn't include being exposed in such a situation.

It would be so awkward.

She didn't dare to relax for too long and quickly thought about how to get He Sui to go back.

At first, Lisa tried to communicate with her eyes, but He Sui was too busy moving the marriage certificate and didn't even lift its head.

She had no choice but to stand up.

"Lisa, where are you going?" Mingyu seemed to have grown extra eyes and immediately noticed her movement.

As he spoke, the others also subconsciously looked in her direction.

Lisa mentally beat Mingyu up a thousand times as she hastily made up an excuse, "I'm going to the bathroom."

But soon, she realized she had set a trap for herself because Mingyu enthusiastically turned his head and pointed, "Oh! Over there!"

He moved too quickly, and Lisa couldn't stop him in time. She could only watch as he turned around. In that instant, her mind was filled with the words I'm doomed.

She even reflexively closed her eyes for a moment. After two seconds, she didn't hear any special reaction from Mingyu, so she subconsciously looked in his direction.

Jungkook had one hand on Mingyu's shoulder and the other forcefully turned his face towards Lisa.

Mingyu, who was forced to tilt his head, looked puzzled, "Brother, Brother Jungkook?"

Jungkook remained calm, "I want to see what words you shaved on your head."

"Oh..." Mingyu didn't know why Brother Jungkook suddenly took an interest on the words shaved on his head, but he was simple-minded and didn't think too much about it, "Forgiving is chaos in great plans. It looks pretty good, right?"

"Looks good," Jungkook replied indifferently.

Mingyu felt pleased. "Next time, I'll take you to get one. I think a flamingo hairstyle would be nice."


"But, Brother Jungkook," after a few more seconds, Mingyu couldn't help but speak again, "Have you seen enough? My head feels uncomfortable like this."

Jungkook said casually, "Let me take another look."

It's unclear whether his expression or tone gave people the wrong idea, but after a moment of silence, Mingyu was on high alert and stammered, "Brother Jungkook, I don't have that kind of interest! I'm straight, really!"

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