Chapter 37

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His tone was a bit cold, and somehow, it seemed like he was targeting both Lisa and Mingyu.

Lisa didn't know why he suddenly had a problem with Mingyu, and for a moment, she couldn't decide whether to intervene or not.

Mingyu, feeling wronged, pouted and resisted while hugging the pillow.

Jungkook glanced at both of them and remained indifferent, still leaning against the sofa, showing no sign of changing his mind.

"Exactly, why do you have to interfere in their married life," Jaehyun had already walked to the hallway and found that Mingyu really wanted to stay. He came back with a headache, pulled Mingyu off the sofa, and said, "Lisa, why are you still letting him stay? He's so drunk, what if he throws up here? Will you clean up after him?"

Lisa: "..."

Forget it, forget it.

Mingyu, who was dragged up, swayed unsteadily, and followed Jaehyun outside. When they reached the hallway, he suddenly realized what was going on and hugged the antique vase again, refusing to budge, "Gyu won't leave!"

Although he was heavily drunk, Mingyu was still a full-grown adult male. Jaehyun couldn't pull him alone. He also had to be cautious about the expensive vase. So, he could only try to persuade Mingyu, "Lisa is just teasing you. They haven't lived here since they got married half a year ago, they probably won't stay here tonight either."

"Then Gyu will stay alone," Mingyu said, turning back to seek opinions. However, Wonwoo and Sana, who were waiting at the door, couldn't stand it any longer. They each reached out to help, one on the left and one on the right, pulling him away from the vase. Together with Jaehyun, they pushed him out of the door.

Lisa watched as Mingyu struggled against the three of them, like a little chick flapping its wings, and suddenly felt a bit sorry for him.

The front door closed automatically and made a soft beep sound when locked.

A few seconds later, the light in the entrance also automatically turned off, and the room fell into silence without Mingyu's commotion.

Jungkook, who had been watching the hallway, shifted his gaze, "Do you really want to stay here?"

When they got their marriage certificate, Cen Xinyan had tried to persuade them to move into their marital home. Lisa flatly refused and even specifically called to tell Jungkook not to give in.

He didn't know when she changed her mind.

"Yeah," Lisa leaned back, closing her eyes, "I don't want to bother anymore."

The day had been chaotic, running back and forth several places. Even though they spent most of the time in the car, her feet were already sore.

Once Mingyu and the others left, all she wanted to do was relax and take a nap. At this point, she didn't even have the strength to get up.

Jungkook replied with a simple En and dimmed the lights in the living room.

Lisa laid back on the sofa, covering her forehead with one hand. The soft light cast long shadows of her fingers, perfectly falling on the fair corners of her eyes.

From this angle, her silver-gray gown wrapped around her graceful figure. Her waist seemed slender and easy to hold, and the skirt flowed smoothly along the curves of her body, revealing her slender, jade-like legs and fair, slender ankles.

That familiar restlessness surged up again.

Jungkook loosened his tie and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Lisa, who was resting with her eyes closed, seemed quite alert and caught his subtle movements. She immediately opened her eyes.

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