Chapter 62

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As a luxury brand in the jewelry industry, Merald naturally held a significant position in the hearts of the wealthy women of Pingcheng. Among them were the brand's devoted fans who, upon seeing Lisa's photos and interviews posted on the official account, immediately forwarded them to Cen Xinyan.

Accompanying these messages were numerous compliments; it wasn't hard to sense the genuine envy.

Actually, Cen Xinyan found out even earlier than these friends—she had some connections with Merald's artistic director. It was through a casual conversation one day that she found out the talented and spirited Chinese jewelry designer mentioned a while back was none other than her own daughter.

Strangely, Cen Xinyan's emotions at that moment were more than just a moment of surprise. After settling down, an indescribable feeling settled in.

It was because she had learned about this from someone else's mouth. Despite Lisa coming back home a couple of times in the past few months, she hadn't mentioned a single word about it. If her friend hadn't brought it up, when would she have known?

And this was her own biological daughter.

Perhaps this is what happens when one grows older; one's mind became so heavy that one couldn't sleep. These past couple of nights, Cen Xinyan had been tossing and turning, thinking about things from the past.

Actually, when Lisa was very young, she wasn't the type to keep her excitement contained. Especially when she received praise from the kindergarten principal, won awards at the provincial and city levels, or participated in sports events, she would happily run home to share the news. Her eyes and brows would be raised, waiting for compliments.

Even though Cen Xinyan divorced Lisa's father, it hadn't caused much impact on Lisa. She was quite understanding, knowing it was her father's mistake and that separation was the right choice. She even clearly stood by her mother's side.

However, as Cen Xinyan became more successful in the fashion world and had to invest more time in her work, the scenes of Lisa discussing her school life at home became less frequent.

Cen Xinyan finished one busy period after another, and when she paused to catch her breath and looked back, she realized that years had passed unnoticed.

The slightly arrogant yet beautiful little girl from the past had grown into a vibrant and beautiful teenager. At school, she was surrounded by admiring classmates and smiles, but when she returned home, the mother and daughter had trouble finding topics to talk about, appearing silent and unfamiliar.

Cen Xinyan felt a sense of indebtedness and tried to make up for it in various ways. But she wasn't good at getting close to people or showing goodwill, so over the years, she had taken one wrong step after another.

Unfortunately, Lisa's personality was stubborn, seemingly retaliating for the years of neglect. Even a few offhand remarks could trigger her resistance. In a certain way, she resembled Cen Xinyan.

Just as Cen Xinyan was thinking this, the household maid knocked on the door, "Madam, Young Lady Lisa and Young Master Jeon have arrived."

Cen Xinyan understood and got up.

Lisa didn't visit home frequently after her marriage. Firstly, she was a stepdaughter, which meant this was only half her maternal home. Secondly, Cen Xinyan was often absent from home, so her visits were often in vain. She would come over for meals and leave afterward, talking casually, as though checking off a task on a list.

However, this time, she clearly felt that something was different.

Ming Zhengyuan had always been the type to assert his authority as the head of the family. Even if he casually mentioned wanting grandchildren, it was as if he was assigning quarterly tasks—systematic and methodical.

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