Chapter 39

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"What are you daydreaming about?" Sana waved her hand in front of Lisa's eyes, "You two don't communicate at home, so it's difficult to come up with something to say?"

It's not surprising that Sana had a deep misunderstanding of Lisa and Jungkook. These two were famous for being each other's adversaries during their school days.

Back in high school, Jungkook was a proud and lazy young master. Although he had good grades, he didn't follow the rules and was not a typical good student.

In a way, he was more troublesome than traditional underachievers.

On the other hand, Lisa became the student council president in her sophomore year, and the conflicts between the two grew rapidly.

There was a time when Lisa seemed to be always find fault with Jungkook.

So, every day, Sana would see Jungkook practicing his signature at the school gate.

After greeting Lisa, she would curiously look at the disciplinary book. The row that read High School (18) Class, Jungkook, looked like it was collected by someone with OCD.

Jungkook didn't care much, and he skillfully signed his name and threw the pen down, lazily raising his eyes. "Are we done?"

Lisa took the disciplinary book, looked at it without really looking, and crossed her arms, "Remember, from now on, you must wear your school badge when entering and leaving the school gate, no exceptions."

Jungkook nonchalantly put his hand in his uniform pocket, and responded indifferently, "Got it."

...Then the next day, Sana once again saw Lisa catching Jungkook at the school gate.

In terms of appearance, these two were a perfect match, dressed in the blue and white school uniform of the Affiliated Middle School, which was ranked first in the city's selection. At first glance, they looked like stars shooting a campus movie.

This made Sana's imagination run wild; she was quite certain that these two were bound to spark some romantic flames and that their friendship boat would inevitably turn into a love river.

But reality was cruel and paid no attention to the fanciful script of this scriptwriter who believed in love.

Now, many years had passed, and the boat was as stable as an old dog.

"You're talking nonsense. I'm not that childish," Lisa refused to admit as she recalled the past from Sana, "It's just that he is too rebellious. The other students at Affiliated Middle School were well-behaved and wore their school badges every day. But I can't catch him doing anything wrong."

In fact, when Sana said this, Lisa had already recalled her state of mind when she was finding fault with Jungkook.

But she had too much pride to admit that she was seeking personal revenge.

"Yes, yes, yes," Sana touched her cat, perfunctorily agreeing, "You are upright. The problem lies with Jungkook! He should be caught."

Lisa was not satisfied with her tone. She glanced sideways and silently questioned her.

Sana lifted the ragdoll cat to cover her face, avoiding the deadly gaze, and somewhat hesitantly said, "He's my boss."

"So what?"

Is that a reason to collaborate with the enemy and betray your own country?

Without much thought, Lisa retorted unkindly, "I'm your boss too."

Sana didn't react for a moment, and after a while, she looked at Lisa thoughtfully.

"Did I say something wrong?" Lisa realized what she had said, but faced with Sana's inquisitive look, she still maintained her composure, stood up, and dropped a few words, "This is an objective fact."

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