Chapter 30

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Intentional, my foot!

Was she that kind of person?

Sitting in the car, Lisa recalled the scene that happened just over ten minutes ago. She felt that the only reason she didn't hit him in the face with the spoon was that she had a good temper.

Now, they sat side by side, Lisa crossed her arms and remained silent, while Jungkook didn't try to appease her right away, and the atmosphere remained tense.

At this moment, Mingyu called, and he sounded cheerful on the phone, "Hello, Lisa, did you sleep well last night?"

He had a loud voice, and without the need for a speakerphone, they could hear him clearly. Jungkook felt that this person had just stumbled into a wrong situation.

Lisa sneered and casually adjusted her skirt, "I slept quite well."

"Really? That's great!" Mingyu couldn't detect sarcasm, so he continued happily, "Are you coming to my house today? My aunt invited a Japanese chef to cook that 'whatever' fish... The name is a bit strange, but they say it's delicious."

"Oh, by the way, call Jungkook, if he's free, both of you can come together."

Lisa had no appetite after her hangover, so she had no interest in the fish he mentioned. However, the words Jungkook successfully ignited her fighting spirit.

She first straightforwardly refused, "I'm not coming."

Then, she drew a clear line word by word, "Gyu, remember this. In such gatherings, if he's there, I won't be there, and if I'm there, he won't be there."

After saying that, she provocatively glanced at Jungkook and almost hmphed in an elegant and cold manner.

Jungkook: "..."

It seemed that she was very upset because of that joke.

"Why, what's wrong?" Mingyu was confused, "Did you guys have a fight last night?"


Lisa fell silent for a moment. Just as she was about to say that they weren't that violent, a thought crossed her mind. She decided to go along with it and gave a soft Mhm.

Jungkook felt something was off and glanced at her.

Lisa raised the corner of her lips, holding her phone and started telling a story with a very innocent tone, "I got drunk last night, you know."

Mingyu nodded in agreement, "Yeah, Jungkook sent you back home."

"Back home? When I woke up this morning, I found myself lying in the bushes outside the house."

Mingyu was shocked, "What!"

Lisa thought for a moment and added, "I was covered in mud, you know, very dirty... And then, I called Jungkook. Guess what he said?"

"What did he say?"

"He said he had something urgent at the company and just found a random place to leave me," Lisa rested one hand on the car's compartment and forcefully suppressed a smile at the corner of her lips, sighing, "How could he do that? He didn't even consider my safety."

"That's outrageous!!" Mingyu felt like he was going to explode just listening, "Lisa, you wait! I'll call him and scold him right now!"

After hanging up the phone, Lisa looked like a triumphant winner, proudly shaking her phone at Jungkook.

Let's see if he dared to casually slander her next time.

This little peacock was clearly showing off her anger. If she wasn't coaxed properly, it wouldn't look good. Just as Jungkook was about to speak, he received Mingyu's call.

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