Chapter 6

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After blocking Jungkook, Lisa immediately called Sana.

As soon as she picked up, Jungkook said, "Do you think he's crazy? He sent me a video of the bird in the middle of the night."

Sana was startled, thinking Jungkook had daringly sent a lewd picture to Lisa.

"Why would he send you the video of the parrot?" After realizing that the bird she meant was the parrot and not something inappropriate, Sana felt relieved.

In the afternoon, she also saw the parrot. However, as she wasn't fond of small animals, she didn't pay much attention.

Lisa was convinced, "It must be because I like it."

"You think he sent it to show off... that logic seems a bit too far-fetched?" Sana carefully offered her opinion.

Lisa immediately sat up from the bed and tapped the covers, raising her tone, "No, it's definitely to show off, you know? Just listen to his tone!"

"He's too childish!" Sana immediately took Lisa's side, "Is he an elementary school student? How can he behave so childishly!"

Her tone was emphatic and filled with indignation.

Lisa sensed the teasing in her words and said with an expressionless face, "Sana, it's a pity you're not an actress."

Sana burst into laughter and then said seriously, "Actually, I think both of you are quite childish, but there's a mysterious charm about it, you know?"

Lisa almost doubted her ears, "Mysterious charm?"

"The same thing, if someone else did it, you probably wouldn't care. But when it's Jungkook, you react strongly. And don't you find it intriguing that he sent you a parrot in the middle of the night? Men don't bother talking to women they have no interest in."

"Perhaps, after all these years of bickering, you two unintentionally became the most special person in each other's lives..." Sana's tone suddenly became a bit excited, "Wait a minute, I think I've got an idea to write a love-hate relationship!"

There was a moment of silence on the other end, followed by the sound of rapidly typing on a keyboard.

Lisa: "..."

I can't be friends with this person anymore.

She hung up the phone and lay back on the bed.

The few words from Sana's long speech remained in her mind.

You two unintentionally became the most special person in each other's lives.

Upon careful consideration, there was nothing wrong with this statement—after all, they were married, so naturally, the two of them were the most special to each other.

However, when applied to the two of them, special should be a negative prefix, and various words like annoying, hard to deal with, don't want to see, could be added after it.

Especially now, with this awkward layer added to their relationship, she had no idea how to interact with him anymore.

"Really? It would be great if you could come too," a soft and cheerful voice came from the phone, "Shall we meet in a couple of days?"

At the end of July, a luxury brand was going to hold a fashion show and a private dinner in the city.

Lisa received an invitation from the brand manager early on, and over the next few days, she received a series of WeChat invitations. Some even directly called her after getting her number.

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