Chapter 60

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In an instant, Jungkook's laughter shattered the gentle filter that Lisa had put on him.

And after he was done laughing, he even raised a finger to gently nudge her eye corner, playfully coaxing, "Not painful, don't cry."

The hint of laughter in his tone made it sound anything but soothing; instead, it seemed to carry a nonchalant attitude.

Lisa was so angry that she swatted his hand away and raised her voice, "Are you finding pleasure in my pain?"

"No," Jungkook knew she had misunderstood and cleared his throat, "I just find it a bit cute."

Her appearance just now, clueless and bewildered, resembled a dumbfounded little animal.

Lisa regarded him with a look of disbelief. She truly couldn't fathom what was cute about it.

However, before she could dwell on that short digression, the pain she had initially ignored surged back. She felt pain in her waist, legs, and even her buttocks; she seemed to have lost feeling after the fall.

"I'm in so much pain," she grumbled, glaring at him.

Jungkook lightly tapped her lips, picked her up, and walked towards the villa.

The snow had been falling all day, gradually decreasing by the evening. Tiny snowflakes floated in the air, dancing gently whenever the wind blew. Some landed on Jungkook's shoulders, melting into warmth as he entered the villa. When Lisa's cheeks occasionally brushed against him, she felt a cooling sensation that was refreshing.

After the doctor had come and gone, Lisa was placed on the soft bed in the bedroom, lying face down to rest. Jungkook sat by her side, occasionally bringing her water or cutting fruits, providing attentive care.

Lisa occasionally turned her head and made a sound of dissatisfaction, almost writing I'm unhappy on her face.

Jungkook sat on the edge of the bed, gently massaging her waist with his left hand, and whispered, "I'm sorry."

"Hum!" She received the response she wanted to hear, but turned her head to the other side.

Jungkook reached out and turned her back, lowering his head to kiss the tip of her nose, "I'm really sorry."

"Then tell me where you went wrong?" Lisa finally spoke, raising her chin imperiously, "But no kissing for now."

"I shouldn't have laughed at you," Jungkook pushed her hair aside, his voice soft, "Will you forgive me?"

This time, his tone was even softer, sounding more gentle.

Lisa hesitated for a moment.

In fact, she had imagined the scene from earlier—someone walking along and suddenly falling face down on the snow with no cushioning. The effect would probably be akin to those humorous videos on social media; most people's first reaction would be hearty laughter.

Comparing it this way, wasn't Jungkook being reasonable?

At least he had only laughed lightly.

No, no, how could she be making excuses for him?

Lisa halted her train of thought, slightly turned her body, and extended a finger to poke him, "Then you're not allowed to laugh in the future. If you do, you'll be a little dog."

He tilted his head slightly and playfully kissed the tip of her finger, "Sure, from now on, I'll protect you and prevent you from falling."

The first snowfall ceased the next day and gradually melted away.

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