Chapter 56

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Lisa was certain she smelled the scent of vinegar [1]in the air.

She secretly chuckled.

However, he noticed it. His gaze dropped, losing the trace of affection. Instead, there was a hint of seriousness and coldness.

Jungkook was the kind of person who couldn't be labeled as mature. Many times, he seemed quite childish. For instance, after the blond-haired, blue-eyed male classmate left, he playfully pinched her face.

Lisa swatted his hand away, "I came to pick you up!"

"But why do I see you flirting with another guy?"

She snorted, "Just by exchanging a few words?"

When the male classmate left earlier, he gave her a knowing look. Lisa guessed that he probably considered her as someone under strict supervision from her husband.

It was all Jungkook's fault. Her reputation had been compromised.

"Well, if you give me a kiss, I'll generously overlook it." Jungkook smirked, lowering his forehead to lightly touch hers.

His breath was close, this position seemed designed for her convenience.

Lisa only needed to lift her head slightly to meet his lips.

After this quick kiss, it was like they had reached a certain ceasefire agreement.

While the handsome man and beautiful woman walked hand in hand ahead, Shi Tai followed behind as usual. The scene of dog abuse [2] was still as harmonious and picturesque.

Currently, Jungkook's focus was mostly on Jinghong. Jeon Jinyu had also been packed off on a flight to a foreign country. Shi Tai, the bodyguard, held the title of security assistant and didn't need to maintain a state of high alert at all times. Moreover, he wasn't the only bodyguard accompanying Jungkook.

However, Shi Tai was accustomed to maintaining a tense state. Even in public, he would regard everyone as a potential threat.

He saw a man in a suit standing not far from the exit. The man seemed to be looking in their direction, his gaze not exactly malicious but rather complex.

As they neared the glass doors, Shi Tai quietly positioned himself between that man and Jungkook.

Unexpectedly, Lisa and Jungkook halted their steps first.

Before Lisa caught sight of Yan Yuanqian, she was discussing with Jungkook about what to eat for dinner. Though there were countless couples and spouses in the world, it seemed that when they were together on a date, the topics that attracted the most attention were always related to food and entertainment.

Not very aspirational, she thought.

She wanted to watch a movie and have hotpot to combat the cold. Jungkook was currently asking her whether they should eat at home or go out.

Just as Lisa was about to reply, she saw Yan Yuanqian.

Actually, with a casual glance, she didn't recognize him at first. Her heart felt a brief wave of curiosity – why was that man looking their way?

The man had a handsome appearance, though it was clear he wasn't a young man in his twenties anymore. If there were a playboy who looked proper and debonair, over forty but not yet out of shape, he would probably look like him.

A momentary distraction could deceive a young girl.

And it was this initial impression that triggered the last remaining memory in Lisa's mind.

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