Chapter 59

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After Jaehyun had finished his round of crazy retaliation and contentedly called it quits, he turned to Mingyu and started chatting about the newly opened hot air balloon club in the western suburbs.

Lisa secretly shot him a glare, but Jaehyun was thick-skinned and remained unperturbed, sitting there as steady as a rock.

She diverted her gaze and stole a glance at Jungkook.

Jungkook fed her the strawberry and then leaned his elbow against the table, supporting his forehead. His eyelids drooped slightly as he calmly observed her.

It was oddly unsettling.

For over twenty years, this was the first time that Lisa had found herself in the most vulnerable position within this small group.

After contemplating for a moment, she lightly nudged Jungkook's elbow, feigning composure, "Do you want to eat the strawberry?"

Jungkook half-squinted his eyes, "No."

Lisa: "..."

In the past, whenever there was any discord between them, it was Jungkook who would extend the olive branch first. Now that she was trying to coax him a bit, he surprisingly wasn't receptive.

Moreover, was it her fault alone?

Jungkook hadn't seen her as his potential wife before either.

Thinking about this, Lisa straightened up slightly, tapped the table with her finger, and said, "Why are you upset? I'm not upset yet. The first time we met, you fought with me. Back in high school, you got along well with many girls, and I didn't say anything."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, "Did I?"

From childhood to now, there had only been her as a girl he got along well with.

In reality, Lisa knew he hadn't.

But this guy was much more approachable than the aloof campus heartthrobs in novels. He looked relaxed and lazy, with a hint of a smile in his eyes even when he wasn't smiling. Being around him didn't feel distant at all.

Added to his exceptional academic performance and unique individuality, he naturally attracted admirers.

"I wonder what secret whispers you two are sharing over there?" After Jaehyun finished chatting with Mingyu, he came back to join them, wearing a smug smile, "Could you be rehashing old grudges?"

"Isn't this exactly what you wanted?" Lisa gave him a displeased look, "Sowing discord!"

"Come on, don't blame me. I'm just marveling at how hard it is for you two. Think about it, two people who naturally complement each other being together is just the way things should be. Can you really not let go of past grievances? That's what true love is all about!" Jaehyun touched his chest, speaking with an intoxicated tone, "So, I'm truly savoring this bowl of dog food."

Mingyu respectfully joined in, clapping enthusiastically, "Well said!"

Lisa: "..."

I don't believe you guys.

"Don't believe me, ask Brother Jungkook," Jaehyun picked up his fork, intending to stab a piece of melon from the plate, but before he could, Jungkook extended his arm and pushed the plate to the other side, leaving Jaehyun stabbing at air.

"Brother Jungkook, am I not making sense?" Jaehyun's fork froze in the air.

Jungkook replied, "You're making sense."

"Then why did you snatch my melon?"

Jungkook casually moved the plate in front of Lisa and speared a piece for her, feeding it to her, "My wife also likes to eat it."

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