Extra Chapter 9

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Shencheng and Pingcheng, one in the south and the other in the north, didn't frequently interact with each other. So, even Lisa didn't expect that Jeong Yican would be so fixated on Chi Yu.

"I thought young children's memories were like that of goldfish," on the way back to their room, Lisa held Jungkook's hand and swung it playfully, "I didn't expect Canbao to remember Chi Yu. Maybe there's really some fate there."

"What kind of fate?" Jungkook wasn't very convinced.

"And I've made an agreement with Cen Xu," Lisa continued, "That we'll become in-laws in the future."

Jungkook said, "Canbao is still a child. She's already thinking about the future?"

She said something, and he countered.

They were exchanging views that could sabotage each other.

"Hmph, you're childish," Lisa stopped and tapped his nose, her tone drawn out, "Are you afraid that the pig will steal our little cabbage?"

Jungkook reached out and held her finger, then gave it a kiss. He countered, "You went through all the hardship to give birth; can't I be a bit strict and choose a reliable person for her?"

"Oh," Lisa responded with a voice full of teasing, her lips curling up. After a while, she whispered again, "But Chi Yu is clearly a good-quality young boy."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, "Well, we'll have to observe and decide in the future."

Just like the thoughts of many fathers, Jungkook also thought this way.

His daughter, born to him and Lisa, deserved the very best in this world.

This summer, Lisa and Jungkook unexpectedly entered the field of vision of the vast online community.

To understand this, we need to go back a few years to the marine pearl farm base that Jungkook had purchased for Lisa.

The marine pearl farm base wasn't large, but the quality of seawater there was the most suitable for the growth of mollusks. After the pearls were produced, the highest quality ones were sent to Lisa's studio, while the rest were selected based on quality and sold. The profits were donated to charity foundations each year, and overall, the endeavor wasn't particularly profitable. It was more of a hobby-oriented farm project.

The contracted area of the sea was actually larger than the farm base, but Jungkook hadn't managed to oversee everything, allowing a part of it to grow freely.

That summer, a few people from the farm base had a whim and went nearby to explore, catching a mollusk.

To their surprise, they found a natural teardrop-shaped pearl the size of a thumb. Not only was the surface smooth and flawless, but the structure was almost perfectly symmetrical.

It's worth noting that in the realm of natural pearls, achieving a perfectly round shape was quite rare, let alone a near-symmetrical teardrop shape.

News of this discovery spread. Many people inquired about the price, some even asked if there were plans for an auction.

"You're incredible, Brother Jungkook. I've realized now, whether you're buying a car or pearls, it's not called extravagance," Jaehyun said with a sigh while discussing the matter, "It's all called investment! When we were in university, you casually bought an antique car, it appreciated. Now you've bought a pearl farm for your wife, and you're still able to produce something so impressive—do you plan to auction it at a high price?"

From what he knew, there were a few wealthy individuals in Pingcheng who were interested in this particular pearl and were planning to buy it to either pamper their wives or impress their mistresses.

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