Chapter 28

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Lisa's alcohol tolerance could be considered good; when she got drunk, she didn't make a scene and instead quietly fell asleep.

Half of her body was lying on the table, her long black hair cascading down in waves, forming soft curls on one side, and under the reflection of the lights, it looked like satin, exuding a gentle softness.

Below, the emerald green strap dress complemented her fair and snow-like skin. Her shoulders were slender, revealing the attractive shape of her collarbones.

Jungkook couldn't wake her up. He was about to bend down to lift her up when his gazed at her exposed shoulder and arm. He paused for a moment, then took off his suit jacket and draped it over her.

"I'm leaving then," He carried Lisa horizontally in his arms, casually said goodbye to Mingyu and the others, and then strode away with long strides.

"Wow, my brother is really cool," Mingyu watched as Jungkook carried Lisa in a princess-carry. Then he stared at himself and fell into contemplation, "Why do I feel like I'm just a bricklayer?"

Jaehyun paused for a moment, "Don't doubt yourself; it's all about appearance."

Mingyu snorted, once again admiring and trying to mimic Jungkook's way of carrying someone. In the end, he couldn't figure it out and gave up, leaning against the door frame. Anyway, he didn't have a wife to carry.

"Actually... Have you ever felt that they look quite compatible?"

Having a simple mind has its advantages; one of them is getting over things quickly. At this moment, Mingyu recalled the engagement between the two and didn't find it as hard to accept as he had initially thought.

On the contrary, the brief CP fan identity of his from high school began to stir again.

"What's the use of compatibility? You know that Brother Jungkook isn't Lisa's type," Jaehyun felt that the main issue was with Lisa. He shook his head, "They don't have a chance."

Mingyu sighed with melancholy.

Jaehyun's point made sense.

Since their high school days, Lisa never liked the type of men that Brother Jungkook embodied-too dazzlingly handsome and seemingly unreliable. If she were awake now, she would definitely jump down and beat Brother Jungkook up before causing an explosion on the spot.

She would never allow Brother Jungkook to carry her.

On their way out of the club, Lisa woke up intermittently a few times.

She leaned against the backrest, occasionally opening her eyes to catch glimpses of neon lights flashing by outside the window, the fragmented lights blurring and dazzling.

She couldn't remember the cause and effect, nor did she know where she was at the moment. She just felt dizzy and sleepy, losing consciousness in a matter of seconds.

When Jungkook carried her out of the car, Lisa was still fast asleep, not even the cold night wind of the city could wake her up.

She shivered slightly and instinctively turned her head to bury it in his chest.

Lisa felt somewhat thirsty in her hazy state.

She turned over and felt a soft pillow nearby, so she grabbed it and unconsciously murmured, "I want water..."

When Jungkook walked over, he saw Lisa, who had been sitting on the sofa, had somehow turned over and was now lying on her back with the pillow still in her arms.

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