Chapter 54

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In fact, the quality of relationships between people can be reflected in seemingly insignificant details such as language, actions, and even eye contact.

Mingyu vaguely felt that there seemed to be a subtle shift in the atmosphere between the two of them as they bantered back and forth. However, his long-standing habit of single-celled thinking couldn't quite support his understanding of this situation, so he didn't delve too deeply into it.

He continued to joke around in the group for a while, playfully scolding Wonwoo for pulling an all-nighter in the lab and emphasizing the severity of hair loss, urging him to maintain a regular schedule. He then focused on criticizing Lisa for not going to work on a perfectly good workday.

Wonwoo was too busy catching up on sleep to pay much attention to him, while Lisa was the kind of person who became more energetic the more jealous others were of her. After leisurely finishing her breakfast, she decided to give a complete 360-degree tour of her luxurious villa and pool garden through the video call. She showcased various expensive artworks, antiques, porcelain, and even took a tour of her underground wine cellar. All of this came with her commentary.

Her words conveyed an air of leisure and ease. She almost seemed like she would put on sunglasses, lie by the pool, and write I have so much free time on her face.

Mingyu felt a mixture of envy and frustration, yet he still didn't disconnect from the video call.

He only reluctantly ended the call when Deputy Director Zhai from the company came over to ask him to sign some documents.

This small city was hundreds of kilometers away from Pingcheng. Life here was slow-paced, however, the air was much fresher compared to the haze-filled metropolis. It had that kind of secluded living atmosphere that many people yearned for.

However, after spending all these days there, Mingyu found it utterly tasteless.

He wanted to go back home. The desire to return home was overwhelming.

"Deputy Director Zhai," after signing the documents, Mingyu couldn't hold back anymore and coughed dryly a couple of times. He asked in a pretentious manner, "Is the company busy lately? Are there any... big things that can't go on without me?"

Deputy Director Zhai was momentarily taken aback. He couldn't quite grasp whether this parachutist wanted to emphasize his importance and make a few significant decisions to satisfy his ego, or if it was the opposite, and he just wanted a "no" answer so he could joyfully fly back home with wings attached.

Lisa didn't appear as leisurely as she let on; the studio was currently in the preparation stage, and there were many things waiting for her to tackle.

However, when she woke up this morning, she couldn't quite explain why her mood felt so light and carefree. She even had an inexplicable urge to boast and show off.

It was probably a little quirk that women in love often had.

After ending the video call, Lisa put her phone aside and walked to the edge of the terrace. With both hands resting on the glass railing, she lowered her head to observe the gardener trimming the branches of the flowers.

In the autumn and winter seasons, most of the flowers in the yard had withered, leaving only the evergreen branches and leaves. The gardener moved among them, maintaining their shapes.

However, the nearby swimming pool was quite beautiful. The water was meticulously maintained, sparkling brilliantly in the sunlight.

Lisa didn't like water and wasn't fond of swimming, but it didn't stop her from watching by the side.

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