Chapter 31

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When she thought of how Jungkook would get beaten during the movie, Lisa's mood was cheerful all day.

Coincidentally, the second Miss Zhao from Zhao Real Estate sent her a message inviting her to an art exhibition, and she readily accepted the invitation.

After visiting the art exhibition, they went to a trendy restaurant in the city to have afternoon tea and took the opportunity to do some flower arranging to pass the time.

"Lisa, I heard a rumor last week, it's about you... and a certain Young Master surnamed Jeon," among this group of plastic sisters, Miss Zhao had a relatively good relationship with Lisa, so she spoke straightforwardly. She leaned closer, holding a small pair of scissors, "Can you confirm it for me?"

Though she said she was seeking confirmation, she must have already obtained the accurate information. Lisa had no intention to hide it, especially since the invitations for the engagement ceremony would be sent out in two days. There was no need to keep it a secret.

Lisa picked up a coral-colored tulip and gently turned it in her hand, "So you want to attend my engagement ceremony?"

"So, it's true!" Miss Zhao covered her mouth in surprise and exchanged envious glances with the other sisters nearby, "Is it the one from Jinghong...?"

Lisa politely smiled, which could be considered as a confirmation.

"Wow..." Everyone exclaimed softly.

"Speaking of which, that girl from the Fang family used to pursue Jungkook vigorously, and it caused quite a stir in the city," someone recalled, "Oh, by the way, she posted something on her moments yesterday, saying something about lost beauty and unattainable happiness, could it be related to this?"

"Impossible, she didn't seem too heartbroken when her confession failed."

"Who knows? After all, Jungkook is so handsome, and Jinghong is wealthy and powerful. It's truly super fortunate to marry into such a family! I don't believe she has no regrets."

"By the way, I heard you two have known each other since childhood? So you both gradually fell in love over time, right?"

"That's too romantic."


Lisa knew that this group of sisters would say anything to flatter her, and she usually just took their exaggerated compliments with a grain of salt.

But today, for some reason, when she heard the phrase known each other since childhood, her mood couldn't help but become buoyant.

Coming back to her senses, Lisa quietly plucked off a small petal.

It must be because the phrase itself was too beautiful, probably had nothing to do with Jungkook.

Because he had to apologize to a certain young lady in the evening, Jungkook had his assistant adjust today's work schedule. He had just finished the quarterly project decision-making meeting and was now heading to the next high-level meeting.

During the fifteen-minute break in between, Jungkook rested on the large boss chair, and his assistant, Assistant Wang, brought him a cup of coffee.

Out of the corner of his eye, Assistant Wang noticed that President Jeon was browsing through his WeChat Moments.

Having worked together for a long time, Assistant Wang knew that Jungkook was not the type to show off, so he timely asked, "Is it one of President Jeon's friends?"

President Jeon's WeChat Moments had been lingering on a post for quite some time.

The post contained a series of pictures, featuring bouquets of flowers interspersed with two portraits.

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