Chapter 26

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In the [PARROT] Club training hall, Manager Zhao was adjusting the players' training plan with the coaches when he noticed someone entering the door. He was taken aback for a moment before quickly walking over.

"Boss, how come you are here today?"

This club was taken over by Jungkook when he first returned to the country. After joining Jinghong, he rarely visited the place, and most of the day-to-day affairs were entrusted to Manager Zhao.

While he hid in the background, acting more like an investor than a boss.

"Just passing by, thought I'd take a look," Jungkook sat down in the front row and glanced at the paper documents in his hand, "Looking at the match report?"

"Yes, we'll be going to Nancheng for a competition next month, and we are discussing who to send..."

Manager Zhao was actually a bit troubled. With the club's generous incentive system, the players achieved results quickly and held onto their achievements tightly.

While this was a good thing, it also created a new problem of selecting players for each competition.

As he spoke, he handed the match report and medical examination report to Jungkook.

Jungkook supported his elbow on the armrest and took the reports, flipping through a few pages quickly.

"Number 5 and Number 7," he quickly made a choice, looking relaxed as if it wasn't a difficult task.

Manager Zhao secretly admired him for two seconds.

He didn't actually know Jungkook's exact identity-when the club closed down, he saw this new investor and thought he looked like a pampered young master who invested for fun.

Now, in just half a year, the club, that hadn't even caused a ripple when it closed down, had become a hot gathering place for MMA enthusiasts in Pingcheng.

Manager Zhao increasingly felt that this boss wasn't as idle as he seemed on the surface.

With admiration in his heart, he sought advice and flattered at the same time, "Boss, how did you make the choice? The coach and I have been pondering for a long time but couldn't figure it out."

Jungkook lightly tapped the armrest with his fingers and said casually, "These few players are indeed evenly matched."

Manager Zhao nodded, eager to hear the key point. However, he heard Jungkook say in a faint voice, "So, I just randomly picked two."

Manager Zhao: "..."

Can one be so casual about it?

"It's just for reference. The final choice should still be decided by you and the coach," Jungkook handed him the file and, as if sensing his hesitation, smiled lightly, "However, my investment decisions have always been correct."

Manager Zhao was at a loss for words but accepted the files with both hands.

It was the first time he had seen such a novel decision-making method. After several rounds of inner struggles, he found himself somewhat convinced by Jungkook's words-luck was a part of strength, after all. In a situation where the strength was comparable, relying on the player's luck or the boss's intuition was not unreasonable.

Moreover, the history of MMA competitions also witnessed such unintentional coincidences.

Just then, Jungkook's assistant approached, bending down and whispering, "President Jeon, Manager Zheng from Zheng Group wants to talk to you."

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