Chapter 40

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At the moment of weightlessness, Lisa's consciousness was almost blank, and all she could see was the fleeting bright light in front of her, followed by instant darkness.

Because it was so unexpected, it took her a few seconds to react. The two of them fell into such an awkward position.

The leather sofa in the living room was a handcrafted custom-made piece from Italy, with a spacious seat cushion but a low backrest, giving it a somewhat bed-like vibe.

When she fell, Jungkook instinctively leaned back and subconsciously reached out to support her. Unexpectedly, he pulled her in the wrong direction, and they both ended up in a tangled mess on the soft cushion.

Lisa's long hair spread out and she practically hung onto Jungkook's body. Her chin was just resting on his shoulder, and with a slight lift of her head, she could touch his jawline. Even the air she breathed in was mixed with a strong smell of alcohol.

Their bodies were tightly pressed together, closer than ever before.

What was even more dangerous was her hand.

It happened to land on his abdomen.

Through the fabric of his shirt, she faintly felt the distinct outline of his firm abdominal muscles.

Feeling this, her fingers moved unconsciously.

"Have you had enough fun?" Jungkook's voice sounded in her ear, lower and huskier than usual, with a hint of restraint.

Lisa was startled by his words, immediately regaining her senses, "Who's touching you!"

As if trying to establish boundaries, she quickly propped herself up, wanting to move away, but she forgot that her hand was still on him. In her haste, her hand slipped and directly went to a certain area!

In that instant, everything seemed to slow down.

Lisa watched helplessly as her hand slipped toward the abyss. There was no time to adjust, her blood surged, and her head exploded—

Just as her palm was about to brush against the edge of his belt, her hand was firmly caught and pulled upwards, causing her whole body to fall back into the embrace that she had left a moment ago.


...Fortunately, she didn't touch it.

Lisa, who felt like she had survived a disaster, closed her eyes for a moment, and then struggled to get up.

In the close proximity, even the slightest movement of hers was magnified, and Jungkook's body instantly tensed.

He restrained himself, closed his eyes, and his Adam's apple moved slightly, "...Lisa."

It didn't sound like he had something to say; it was more like a warning. Lisa was momentarily stunned, probably realizing something, and her face instantly turned red.

Shi Tai walked into the living room with the hangover soup just in time to witness the scene of the two separating from the sofa. He was visibly shocked, but he kept a poker face at all times, even if his heart was in turmoil, he showed no trace of it.

"Sir, here's your hangover soup," he said in a matter-of-fact tone. He then looked at Lisa, who was sitting on a single-seat sofa with flushed cheeks, and considerately asked, "Miss Lisa, are you drunk too? Do you need some hangover soup?"

Lisa glanced at him and her ice-cold eyes clearly conveyed—

No, go away!

There was an awkward silence in the living room.

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