Chapter 13

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The cocktail party before the art exhibition was undoubtedly a social gathering for the ladies of high society.

"I heard you were in Berlin before. Why did you suddenly return to the country?" The person who said this had an affectionate tone, as though she was genuinely concerned about her.

In reality, it was just an excuse to get closer to her.

Lisa smiled faintly, exchanged a few polite words to brush off this topic, and then listened to them whispering about other gossips.

The venue of the cocktail party was decorated in warm colors, with gauzy curtains gently hanging and the light creating a hazy atmosphere. The huge brand logo emerged from the ground and orange lights illuminated a small blue swimming pool.

As the crowd moved, their shadows elongated and swayed, reflecting on the sparkling lake, creating a dreamlike and beautiful scene.

A black-clad waiter passed by, and Lisa picked up a glass of wine.

"Lisa, is this dress from that high couture collection?" Seeing her being silent for a while and seemingly absent-minded, another girl quickly changed the topic.

This young lady from the Ming family, although a stepdaughter, was the only daughter of Ming Zhengyuan. She had been taken into the Ming family with her mother at a very young age and changed her surname. She had always been favored by her family from childhood to adulthood.

She was relatively low-key in the high society circle of Pingcheng, but whenever she appeared, she became the object of everyone's flattery.

Today, Lisa was wearing a light pink gauzy dress, with all the golden threads on the skirt completed by hand embroidery. And just with a slight movement, the skirt displayed a brilliant flow of light, looking very beautiful.

Lisa smiled, "Yes, I had it made in May."

"It's so beautiful, and your skin is so fair. It feels especially ethereal when you wear it," The girl's eyes were bright, with a bit of envy, "I could never achieve this effect."

Her tone sounded particularly sincere, showing that her acting skills were impeccable. Several other girls didn't want to fall behind and joined in to discuss the little dress, flattering Lisa in their words.

Lisa didn't find these gatherings with plastic flower girlfriends tiresome, but she couldn't say she liked them very much either. She smiled politely and clinked glasses with them.

After a while, there was some commotion not far away. The flashlights kept flashing white light, seemingly as if a celebrity had arrived.

Lisa looked over, and amidst the swaying figures, she couldn't see the full appearance clearly. However, there was a moment when the profile of that female celebrity was revealed.

The wine in her hand gently shook. She lowered her head to take a look and saw a small piece of gold foil stuck on the inside of the glass.

"Who was it?" Among the girls, someone also noticed the commotion.

"Ah, isn't that one of Platinum Culture's artists? The one who became famous for her artistic photos, seems quite popular recently."

"What's her name... Feng Shiru? Yes, that's the name."


Perhaps sensing that Lisa hadn't said anything, the discussion became quieter.

A girl asked curiously, "Lisa, do you know her?"

Lisa fell silent for a moment, then raised her lips slightly and said, "I know her."

Feng Shiru—she used to be Lisa's good friend, but also the girl who helped Cen Xinyan spy on her and spread rumors about her dating Jungkook.

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