Chapter 3

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You've settled back in since the incident. 

For one you survived your midterms thanks to Matt and Foggy. They spent the few months that followed glued to your side. With spring break around the corner you were finally able to convince them that you could go to the bathroom without a bodyguard. It was sweet how protective they were. You were grateful to have such good friends.

Spring break was almost here and Foggy was back to his girl chasing antics.

"Foggy, you met her like three days ago. She could be a serial killer."

"Then I'll die a happy man." 

He was packing his bags for the break. Matt kept poking him with his cane every now and then and you would laugh from your seat on Foggy's bed.

"Don't do anything too crazy, remember we're getting out of college together. Two more years and then we're free."

Foggy saluted, grabbing the last of his stuff as he zipped up the bag.

"You got it. Well, I'm going on my mini vacation with a hot babe, don't call unless it's an emergency."

Matt smiled.

"We'll try not to, have a good time."

"You know I will. Look out for (Y/N)! Make sure she doesn't study her brains into oblivion."

Foggy rushed out the door as you threw a pillow at him. It smacked into the door and you could hear his laughter down the hall.

"Pain in the ass." You grumble with a giggle.

"So what are your plans for spring break Matt?"

"I'm just going to catch up on a few assignments. I've been lagging behind."

Usually people at least went to family or friends. You assumed the same with Matt until you remembered that he was pretty much an orphan. Your intention had been to go home and see your parents, but now you were reconsidering. The thought of him being here alone was a bit sad.

"What about you, going home?"

You hesitated, then shook your head.

"No, I think I'll stick around. I saw them last week anyway. I'm sure they're tired of seeing my face."

"Hmm, sure you're not just saying that so I'm not alone here."

Your mouth fell open at how easily he'd read you.

"N-No! Of course not!"

That's exactly what you did.

Matt just chuckled, and you huffed, moving to his side.

"Wanna go listen to the choir director yell at the students in the courtyard?"

Matt smiled, holding out his hand and you grin, helping him up as you both ventured outside.

The next couple days you spend it with Matt. You both would just take walks, or study, have some night talks. It was nice. You'd always been close to Matt, but this was the first time it was just the two of you.

"I'm a little exhausted, I'm gonna call it a night. Do you want me to walk you back?"

You shook your head.

"That's okay Matt. I'm fine. Try to be careful. I'm the one who's accident prone but you seem to be getting all the bruises."

Earlier in the week he'd walked in with a terrible bruise on his cheek. He'd explained that he'd run into something or the other.

"I'll do my best mom."

You smack his arm and he waves as he walks away.

You return to your apartment feeling content. You've managed to get a lot of work done, so no rushing when the break is over. You feel like you have a lot of free time and you're learning a lot about Matt. One, he can't sing for shit, two, his hair looks strangely professionally tamed for a guy who can't see and three, he detests certain foods like greek yogurt.

"It just tastes like bland yogurt."

You laugh at the words he's said. He sounded like a child complaining about eating their vegetables. You never knew there were so many cute sides to him. Humming, you busy yourself with dinner.

"Cup noodles again I see."

You placed the kettle on with a smile. College life was tough, but fun. You only pause when you hear knocking at the back window. You tilt your head, because you assume maybe you're hearing things, but it happens again and you think it might be an animal. Placing the bowl down, you head over to see. When you part the curtains, the figure behind it stuns you.

Hurriedly, you lift the window.

"I-It's you again.."

You step back and he climbs in.

"Sorry to drop in unannounced."

You shake your head.

"No you're fine. I'm glad to see you again."

It's been a while. News of Daredevil has been scarce, but you figure he's just been working silently. After the incident, security around campus had doubled. It's no wonder he hasn't been spotted recently.

"I wanted to make sure you were doing okay."

His words are touching. You wear a big smile.

"I'm great, thanks to you. They arrested Aaron and my friends have been watching me like a hawk. Everything is awesome."

He nods.

"That's good, I'm glad."

A stagnant silence settles and now you feel a bit awkward. You're not sure what to say, and from the way he's now shifting in his spot, he doesn't either.

"Umm, do you want some cup noodles?"

You internally wince, of all the things you could have said, that's what you go with.

"I could eat."

You brighten.

"Wow! Okay awesome. Lemme just close this window." 

You shuffle behind him, closing the window. When you straighten, you just sort of look at him. You haven't been this close since you hugged him that night. His head tilts, waiting for you to say something.

"You know, for a guy that runs around punching bad guys you smell really nice."

The honest evaluation actually makes him laugh and you flush, rubbing the back of your neck.

"Sorry, sometimes I guess I'm a little too honest."

He shakes his head.

"That's okay, I like it."

Your cheeks are still a bit heated and you giggle bashfully, walking away to get the noodles.

You guess you could get used to nights like this. 

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