Chapter 13

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"Matt, hey Matt!"

The sudden call made him jolt and he ran right into the post. He fell back, cane dropping to the ground. Foggy rushed to his side, cursing as he helped him to his feet.

"Geez dude what is with you lately, this is the second pole that you ran into."

When he was upright, Foggy handed him the cane with a laugh.

"Sorry about that." Matt apologized, dusting off his shirt.

Foggy was right, he'd never been this uncoordinated. It wasn't exactly his fault though. His mind was elsewhere and it was starting to affect his depth of perception.

"You're acting like me when I get a blowjob."

Foggy meant it as a joke, but Matt stumbled off the curb, collecting himself at the last second. When he gathered his footing, Foggy stared. Matt could practically hear the wheels turning in his head. Like a light bulb, he realized Foggy had figured it out.

"Seriously dude, not in our dorm!!"

Foggy groaned in disgust and Matt couldn't stop the blush that crawled up his cheeks. It's not like he'd planned for it to happen. He knew one thing, any further adventures would have to be at your place. The last thing he wants is Foggy walking in on the both of you. Especially in that state.

"It's not gonna happen again."

At least not in the dorm.

"It better not!!"

Foggy was still making sounds of disgust as they continued to walk to the library. Matt felt fortunate that he hadn't seen you for the day. He needed some time to gather just a bit of composure. He'd like to say that he wasn't thinking about it. Last night when you left his dorm with a shy smile and a kiss on his cheek, he realized that you had him completely wrapped around your finger.


"Hey, what's that?"

Sitting in class, you were conversing when one of the girls pulled out a small bottle of what looked like perfume. She rolled it on wrists with a smile.

"It's a pheromone perfume. Abby told me that it works. You just put a little on wrists and rub them together and boom, your man is all over you. I'm going to see my boyfriend after class."

You stared at it curiously. Of course you were intrigued. The thought of Matt made you blush. A sneaky grin worked its way on her face.

"Here, you can have this one. I've got like a dozen of them in my room." She handed you the bottle before you could protest, and just as you were to give it back, the professor walked in. The lesson started and she just winked at you.

It was obvious that she wasn't about to take it back. You slipped it into your backpack bashfully. By the time your class ended, all you wanted to do was see Matt. Pulling out your phone, you just stared at his contact before you finally got yourself to send the message.

"I'm free for the rest of the day, do you want to stop by for a movie?"

You fidget a bit until you get the message.

"Sounds good, I'll be there in an hour or so after my class is over."

You smiled, liking the message as you hurried to get back home. The second you got through the door you practically tossed your bag as you jumped into the shower. You had a lot of time, so you had a mini concert as you danced around in the small space.

After a lengthy shower and commendable vocal ability you'd hopped out of the shower. By the time you made it back to the living room, you noticed your bag hanging partially off the couch. You shook your head as you kneeled to put the contents back in. The last item you picked up made you pause. You straightened the bag, staring at the bottle now in your hands.


You didn't exactly believe in that kind of stuff, but there wasn't any harm in just trying it. At the very least, it was perfume. You dab some on both wrists, rubbing them together, then put a little on either side of your neck. With a little giggle, you place it back in your bag as you move it to the table. Your head turned at the knock. You practically skipped to the door, a smile breaking out on your face when you saw him. He stepped inside and you closed the door.

"So what do you feel like watching?"

"How about another action?"

"You know me so well."

You were grinning as you thought of all the great ones you could pick from. You were about to get the popcorn when Matt grabbed your wrist.


He took another step, brows knitted. You were still very much confused, but then his head tilted to the right.

"Are you..wearing a new perfume?"

"Oh, yeah. One of my classmates gave it to me. She swears it's addictive to guys. I thought it was funny. Does it smell good?" He made another step, now standing right before you. You didn't think much of it until he dropped his cane and pulled you into a hug. Your cheeks heated, arms extended slightly at the sudden action.


His face was buried in your neck as he inhaled.

"You smell amazing.. "

The words were whispered against your neck and your hands gripped at the back of his shirt when he started trailing kisses at every spot he could find. You couldn't believe it had actually worked. You always thought that stuff was a scam to get people to buy the product.

When his teeth grazed your skin, your legs felt weak. One of his hands trailed down and you gasped when he cupped a handful of your ass. Your legs almost gave out, but he caught you, keeping you upright. His free hand moved to your cheek and you barely got a word in before he kissed you as if you were the air that he desperately needed.

You made a mental note to send that girl a freaking gift basket. 

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