Chapter 17

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You've gotten the hang of working at the firm. The only issue you really have is with one of the senior reporters who's obviously never learned how to talk to people. You thought it was just you, but Karen confirmed that the guy is a dick, so you feel much better.

You're getting close to a few of the other employees, like Ben. He's really nice and his wife has taken a liking to you. She came by to drop his lunch and spent the better part of that time gushing about how cute you were. Safe to say you'd been blushing the rest of the day.

The atmosphere is nice. You've worked in a lot of places, but this feels like a small family.

"My wife made some of those brownies, here."

Ben handed you the tupperware and you smiled, taking it happily.

"Thank you Mr. Urich!"

You were basically skipping when it was time to leave with Karen. She was curious behind your smile, but the second she saw the bowl she didn't even have to ask. She laughed, linking her arms with you as you both left.

It felt nice, being away from it. You knew it was impossible to just forget about him. You were trying to be strong, but you missed him.

Matt and Daredevil.

You weren't sure why you were still separating them in your mind. It's the same person, but it feels so different. Maybe that's why it's hard to grasp.

Sitting on the short staircase, you let out another sigh, watching the cars drive by. The door opening behind is what catches your attention. You glance over, smiling when Karen takes a seat.

"Are you ready to talk about it?"

She's given you a lot of space, and you're grateful, but you know she's just worried. You can't exactly tell her that your boyfriend is a vigilante that's been running around New York. So maybe, maybe you just need to put a bit of truth in your words.

"Karen, what would you do if Frank kept a big secret from you? W-Would you be able to forgive him?"

She paused.

"It depends on the secret. For example if he told me he had a whole other family and I was a sidechick, you know I'd lose my shit."

You smiled. That would be understandable. If it were that easy, maybe it would have been easier to just let him go.

Karen notices that you still appear distant, so she takes another approach.

"Has he ever done anything to hurt you? Physically, emotionally?"

You shake your head immediately.

Matt has always been there for you and Daredevil..he'd literally saved your life. In your heart you know that, but your mind won't give you that peace. Because everytime you try, you just recall all the times he met with you and listened to you rant about your troubles that were usually about your feelings for him. It felt like he'd mocked you, and then exploited your trust pretending to be two different people.

"So aside from this secret, he's never intentionally caused you pain."


She nods.

"A year ago, Frank was shot in the head."

Her statement makes your eyes widen.

"At the time I was in Alaska doing a piece. I'd left a week prior and I told him that for the two weeks that I was there the connection in certain areas would be a bit spotty. For a few days we didn't have contact. I came back and everything seemed fine. It was all smooth sailing until I saw the bill from the hospital. I thought maybe it was a mistake, but then I read the injuries and I knew I had to confront him."

You can't imagine that. Knowing someone you care about has gone through that.

"The surgery was done in a day and in a span of a week he was released. Doctors couldn't explain it. Everyone just thought it was some great miracle. This completely terrifying thing had happened to him and I had no idea. When I found out, Frank and I got into a fight. He kept saying that it wasn't a big deal. He survived and he saw no need to worry me when the doctors confirmed that he had a clean bill of health, but I was pissed. I couldn't understand why he would hide something like that from me. For two weeks, we barely spoke to each other."

You can fully understand her point of view.

"I was angry with him. I kept trying to figure out why. Most people would have smiled and just thanked God for the miracle. But every time I looked at him I just got pissed and I realized I wasn't really mad at him for not saying anything. I was terrified at the idea that in such a short space of time, I could have lost the man I loved. I was angry at myself for not being there even though I knew it was irrational. He was wrong to hide it, but I knew why he did it. He was just trying to protect me, even if he knew I would hate him for it. He just didn't want to see me scared, sad or in pain. He didn't do it out of spite, but love."

You straightened and Karen took your hands in hers.

"I have no idea what your situation is, but from what you've said, Matt is someone who would do just about anything for you. This secret, you need to figure out whether it was out of love or not. When you have that answer, then you'll know if you can forgive it."

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