Chapter 5

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"Foggy stop it you know I'm ticklish!!"

You were laughing to the point of tears on the bed.

"That's why I'm tickling you!"

"I give up, I give up!!"

He finally relented, stepping away and you were still trying to catch your breath as you let out little breaths. Matt walked in at that point. He just turned to the direction of Foggy's bed.

"Do I want to know?"

Foggy shook his head.

"Nah man, I had to take some drastic measures. It was necessary."

You sat up on the bed, pointing at him.

"He almost made me pee myself, tickling me that much!"

"It sounds like you're accusing me, do you want a round two?"

You jumped off the bed, running behind Matt.

"Save me, he's a monster!"

Matt lifted his cane slightly.

"Stay back Foggy."

He batted the air and Foggy snorted.

"I'm not so low as to attack a blind guy. You won this round (Y/N)."

With your head lifted high, you just smiled.

"That's what I thought."

"Acting all high and mighty because you got Matt as a shield is kind of cowardly. Do better (Y/N)."

You just stick your tongue out.

Matt turns at the action and you blush when you realize just how close you are now. You release him, stepping back.

"I-I need to get going. See you guys later!"

"Bye pipsqueak!" Foggy yells.

Matt's eyes are still directed at the door even after you leave.

You wish you could say that it was nothing but lately a few things have changed. You just hope no one picks up on it. Foggy is pretty oblivious when it comes to that kind of stuff, so you aren't worried. But Matt..he's a little more perceptive. He always seems to know when something is going on with you. You try to shake it out of your head as you return to your apartment. You're glad that you've gotten over your fear of the dark. Although that's the case, you're not reckless either. The minute you step inside your place you lock the doors, dropping your bag on the couch.

"Man, I'm tired."

Sometimes the days feel longer than they are. That's why you'd stop by Foggy's to decompress. You'd done just that. You feel much lighter. It's already pretty late, so you should probably head to bed, but..your vigilante friend tends to pop up around this time and you could really use someone to talk to right now. For the next half an hour or so you just do some minor cleaning. You're not really focused, just trying to stay awake. The familiar tapping on your window before it slides open makes you smile.

"Sometimes I swear you can read my mind."

You rush over to the couch to get comfortable. He takes a seat, but this time he's on the couch. You straighten. You'd like to point it out, because you're happy that he's started to get more comfortable, but you hide your smile, shaking your head.

"So how is the vigilante business?"

"Pretty slow lately, I think that's a good thing."

"True, true."

You tuck your legs under you, and when he turns his body to you, you wait for him to speak.

"If you don't mind me asking, when did you discover your abilities?"

That's not the question you expected. You know he must spot the way your body tenses.

"Sorry, if you don't want to talk about it we don't have to."

You shake your head.

"It's fine."

There isn't really anyone else you can really talk to about this.

"It was in high school. I was walking home and I saw this kid crying in the park. She fell off her bike and her mom was looking after her younger sister, so she didn't really see at first. I just wanted her to feel better so I playfully told her that if I touched her leg all the pain would disappear. It was a game, it wasn't really supposed to happen but then healed right there in front of us. I thought I was going crazy."

He understands.

"The kid was ecstatic. When her mother came over she told her I was a fairy. She thanked me and they left but I was still trying to wrap my head around what happened. I needed to see if it was real so I tried it on this neighborhood cat. It liked to stop by for food every now and then and it had this limp on the right paw. All I did was touch it and like magic it was healed."

You still have no idea where the abilities came from. As far as you knew, no one in your family could do what you'd done.

"No one knows about this, not my parents, not even my best friends. More than anything I want to tell someone but I'm terrified that if I do.."

"Then everything will change." He finally finishes.

His statement is a reflection of how you feel. You nod, eyes sullen.

"I guess in a way I really admire what you do. I have the ability to help people and I hide away, but you go out there everyday and you make a difference. I could never do that. I know that in a sense it makes me a coward, but the idea of even trying terrifies me."

He can't really imagine what that's like. Maybe because he'd grown up around violence, the idea of this has always come natural to him. You weren't like that. Even if you were scared, it didn't make you a coward.

"You're not a coward."

You smile, because you know he's just trying to make you feel better.

"I'm serious. Any other person with your abilities would have exploited it. Made billions, possibly trillions. You took the chance of revealing that secret to help me even though I was a stranger you knew nothing about. Regardless of your reasons, that took courage. It takes a strong person to admit when they're scared and still take action. You're not a coward, far from it."

His words make you tear up. You wipe your cheek with a laugh.

"Thanks Mr. Daredevil. You really are good at this therapy thing."

He smiles.

"If I ever get tired of fighting criminals, at least I have a back up career."

You laugh, leaning back on the couch.

Matt Murdock (Daredevil)Where stories live. Discover now