Chapter 2

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It didn't take much skill sneaking him into your room. You lived on the first floor, so thankful all he had to do was climb through your bedroom window the moment you were inside. You felt a bit guilty making him do all that work given his state. Once he was inside you guided him to the couch as you ran to get your first aid kit.

"J-Just make yourself at home."

You weren't really sure how to act. When you came back, he was seated next to the window, head leaned against the wall. Not that you got a good look at him in the light, you could see some other bruises on parts of his face that were visible. His lip was busted, chin bruised and his nose also had a spec of dried blood. Your hands lowered, saddened at his state. 

You couldn't imagine even doing what he did. Protecting people and stopping criminals without so much as a thank you. Suddenly your own secret felt insignificant. This guy didn't appear to have any special powers but he was risking his life. Placing the first aid kit down, you moved over to him. You could help him, really help.

"Mr. Daredevil sir, I-I'm gonna do something but you have to promise that you won't freak out."

He shifted against the wall.

"Is there a reason I would freak out?"


The gesture he made hinted that he was questioning you. You just sighed, walking over to him carefully. You weren't sure why you were acting like he was a wild animal. Surely if he wanted to attack he could have done it at any time. When you were finally within reach, you kneeled on the floor. 

You took a few deep breaths, because you really needed to calm yourself before you did this. He didn't speak, just waited patiently for whatever you'd been working yourself up to. You reached out, and when he felt your palm pressed against his bloody bicep, he tensed. For a moment nothing happened, but the slight burn on the spot made him jolt and your grip tightened.

"P-Please just stay still."

You seemed hyper focused and he felt like he at least needed an explanation, but the pain in his hand started to feel numb, and he lifted his head when he could no longer feel anything. Not just in his arm, but his jaw felt great, so did his knuckles and his gut where he was sure he'd taken a few blows the night before.

You pulled back, and he just sat there, trying to make sense of it. He touched his jaw, searching for the injury, but there was none.

He was healed. He could still taste the blood in the air, but no wound. He couldn't believe it.

"Did you..heal my wounds?"

You nodded aggressively.

"P-Please don't say anything! Y-You saved my life so I know you're a good guy. That's why I couldn't just let you go with all those injuries. T-Thank you so much for saving me!"

He never got the chance to get a word in, because you leaned in wrapping your arms around his neck as you hugged him. He was somewhat pinned to the wall at the position, hands lifted in surprise. He wasn't sure what to say and you just kept your eyes clenched shut as you held onto him. He could hear the frantic beats of your heart. No doubt from the ordeal of the night. With a soft smile, his hands lowered and he returned the embrace, patting your back softly.

"You're welcome."

After that night, he left and you'd called and told the police about the attack. By the next day, just about everyone knew that Aaron was a predictor. The college expelled him and he was charged. You felt a lot better knowing that he was off the streets. Given how calculated the attack was, it's clear that he'd probably done it before.

Foggy and Matt found you during the little lunch break you had. Foggy hugged you the second you were in sight and Matt was rubbing your arm.

"I'm so sorry! I should have been there to walk you home at night until exams were over." You pulled back, shaking your head.

"It's not your fault Foggy, no one knew about Aaron. I've also invested in some protective measures. " You held your keys that now had a can of pepper spray attached to it.

"I contemplated getting brass knuckles but I don't think the school would let me have that."

"Don't worry, if you need some just say the word, I know a guy." You laughed at Foggy's statement, shoving his arm.

"We're glad you're okay."

You took a seat and they followed. Foggy raised a brow when you looked left and right before you leaned in closer.

"You guys aren't going to believe this but I was saved last night."

"Saved? By who?" Foggy pressed.

"By Daredevil. He's real. I saw him. He beat the shit out of Aaron like it was nothing."

"You're kidding! You actually saw him!!"

You pressed your hands to Foggy's mouth to quiet him.

"Keep your voice down!"

He nodded and you moved your hands.

"You can't tell anyone okay. I'm not really sure what his story is, but I didn't say a word to the cops about him. I'm a little scared they might try to find him. He's a good guy. If he wasn't there, who knows what would have happened."

More than anything, you're grateful.

"I gotcha. Did you at least talk to him? What was he like?"

You straighten a bit.

"I did talk to him for a little while. He was a bit..stoic I guess."

Foggy looked intrigued.

"That's awesome, right Matt?"

Matt nods.

"I can't imagine what that must have been like."

You were still partially convinced that you imagined the whole thing.

"From now on no late night library trips you hear me!" Foggy's lecturing tone had you smiling. He'd immediately gone into older brother mode.

"I won't, I promise Foggy."

Despite that promise, you still needed to study for your algebra exam tomorrow. The library has all the books you need with the practice exams, but you don't get out of your last class until about eight and you're honestly terrified to be out after dark now.

"If you want, I can help you with your algebra. You mentioned it before. If you need to go to the library I can walk you back to your apartment. I don't have a late class like Foggy today."

Your face lit up at the offer.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive." He smiled and you nodded.

"I'd love that, thank you Matt!"

"No problem." 

Matt Murdock (Daredevil)Where stories live. Discover now