Chapter 12

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"Matt, I got a 93 on my final!"

You were dancing the second you stepped into his dorm and he lifted his head from the seat on his bed. Foggy looked like he was getting ready to head out.

"What a shock, the nerd got an A. I'm stunned." Foggy says sarcastically.

"I think it's great. Good job (Y/N)."

"Thank you Matt, it's nice to be appreciated. I get that not all of us can be geniuses." You elbowed Foggy and he just laughed pushing at your forehead. The force caused you to fall back onto his bed.

"You punk!"

He was already hightailing out of the room. When you finally got up, he'd already dashed out the door.

"One of these days I'll take him out with my muscular physique."

Matt is smiling from his spot.

"I think you did that last time with the John Cena move. "

"Hah, you're right. He was sore for days."

The memory is a nice one. You walk over to see what Matt's doing. There's a book in front of him and you stare as he runs his fingers along the pages. You've seen him study many times, but it's always amazing to you. You know it's a bit impolite to stare, but you can't help it.

"I can feel you staring."

You straighten in your spot, not moving a muscle. Matt just leans his head to one side.

"Did you just freeze in place?"

"If I don't move, you can't hear me."

He starts laughing and you join in when he closes the book, placing it on the desk next to his bed.

"Come here."

He opens his arms and you trot over. Dropping right onto the bed, you hug him. Matt places a kiss on your cheek and you flush, smiling. No matter how many kisses you shared, you still became bashful being close to him like this.

"Summer break is coming up, do you know what you're going to do?"

Matt nods.

"There's a job opening at the library for summer tutoring. I'm a pretty good teacher so I figured I'd put it to use. What about you?"

"I'll be in the Dean's office. I'll go home for a week when finals are done, but then I'll come back. My dad misses treating me like a wounded kitten and my mom keeps cooking like I'm still at home."

"Sounds like they'll be happy to see you."

"Mhmmm. I just need to make sure they don't try to keep me there longer than I intended to like last time. My dad is pretty good at bribes."

"I bet."

You lay back against his chest, just enjoying the feel of him.

"Wait, where did Foggy go?" You ask.

"To see his girlfriend, I think."

"Wow, that guy is obsessed, I swear."

"I don't know, if she's half as amazing as mine, then I can fully understand it."

His smooth words have you blushing. You pull back just a little, and you can already see that little smirk on his lips.

"You're really good at sweet talking me Murdock."

"I'd hope so, I wouldn't be much of a boyfriend if I wasn't."

You giggle, pressing a kiss to his lips and he leans in. Matt shifts on the bed, and soon you're on your back. He parts for a second, giving you a chance to catch your breath and him an opportunity to remove his glasses. Once it's gone, he turns back to you and you swallow, right before your lips rejoin. 

Matt Murdock (Daredevil)Where stories live. Discover now