Chapter 19

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The knock alerts you that he's there.

For a moment you just stare at the door. Your body is delayed, but you finally work up the nerve to open the door. The second you do, the sight of Matt just makes you realize just how much you've missed him. It had been three weeks at best. But it feels like ages since you've seen him.

"I know that you-"

You grab him by his shirt and he's startled when you pull him forward, pressing your lips to him desperately. His cane drops, and the door slams shut when you step forward and press him against it. He takes a moment to respond, and when he does, you sigh at the feel of his hands holding your close.

You missed it, his scent, his arms. You feel starved. It takes another moment for you to process that you called him here to have a conversation. You pull back hurriedly, and Matt stumbles for a moment, then straightens, lips parted, breathing heavy. You place your hands on your lips.

"I-I'm sorry.."

You feel a bit embarrassed. So much for self control. He hadn't even gotten a word in and you'd jumped him.

"That's okay."

His voice still seems a bit unsteady. He hadn't predicted such a welcome. In his mind he was ready for a slap, maybe a few more punches. He can still hear your heartbeat, it's racing, just like his. Your breath is also fairly ragged. He should be focusing on a proper apology, but your reactions are getting to him. He licks his lips.

"Just a taste.."

That's all he can think about.


You can't even form a full sentence. Your mind is too jumbled. You take a few steps back to gather your wits. Matt walks over, so calmly confident. With each slow step, you find that you're less focused on the reason behind this visit.

"My secret." He informs.

You nod, eyes drifting to his lips. Now that he's so close it's even harder to focus.

"Your secret.."

You repeat it as if trying to recall what the discussion is about. He leans in, just barely brushing your lips. Your hands seem to automatically find purchase on his chest. At this point you're not really sure who's doing the seducing.

Matt looks just as out of it as you. It's clear that you both just lack the self control to speak without ravaging each other. The time apart has left a lot of tension on both sides. Not all negative. You swallow, closing your eyes. He still refuses to fully press his lips against your own.

"We're really bad at this." He whispers.


Your lips meet and you hold on as he picks you right off the floor. Your legs wrap around his waist as he takes you to the couch.

Your conversation might have to wait for another half an hour or so.

~Half an Hour Later~

Now cuddled on the couch, you play with the collar of his shirt. Matt's fingers have been slowly combing through your hair, head tucked under his chin. The warmth you feel from him is something you've been longing for since you left.

"I love you Matt."

You know that given the circumstances, that's the last thing you should be saying. But all your thinking about the situation has led you to that conclusion. You love him. You can't imagine your life without him in it. Not just as your lover, but as a friend. It's naive to think that you'll always be like this, together, but you are naive.

You want that fantasy happy ending. You want to be with him, regardless of the secret. Because you aren't without secrets of your own. The things that you told Daredevil, you probably would have never said to Matt. In a strange way, you're a bit grateful they're the same person. Because despite knowing what he does, he still cares about you.

"I love you too (Y/N)."

His words stop all your actions, and you pull back slowly, lifting your head as you move into a seated position. Matt does the same, and you're still a bit taken aback.

"I love you."

He repeats.

You might just start crying, because now that you know this, the reality is scary. You can't ask him to stop doing what he does and that's terrifying to think about.

"No more secrets and you have to promise me that you''ll always come back.."

It's wrong to force him to make such a promise, but the thought of him one day just being gone, it's too painful to imagine.

Matt takes your hands.

"I promise."

He's never broken a promise with you, so you know that he'll do his best to keep it, because this is an important one. You smile, and his hand moves to your cheek, wiping the tear that trails down.

"I guess I don't have to call you Mr. Daredevil anymore."

Matt cracked a smile.

"I guess not." 

Matt Murdock (Daredevil)Where stories live. Discover now