Chapter 10

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"Matt, I always feel a bit guilty when we watch movies. You don't get the same experience from it."

He just leaned in closer to you on the couch.

"That's okay. I can still hear everything that's going on. Besides, some of the scenes I'd rather not see."

You have a tendency to pick action movies, so you supposed that makes sense. Some of the sequences were a bit gorey at times.

"Thanks for always tolerating my weirdness."

You know most girls would jump at the chance to watch some rom com, and honestly you're not much different. You're a sucker for those predictable hallmark movies. Foggy never stops teasing you about it. But you also enjoy the crazy, wild, unpredictable.

You're also maybe a bit too honest at times about everything and you really should stop walking around Foggy's room with shorts and a sports bra on. It just feels like a funny transition from friends to more. Matt knows just about everything about you and he's still here. It makes you giddy.

"I don't see it as tolerating. I like being with you. You and Foggy, you guys are probably the only people that don't dance around me like I'm glass. I'm glad that we were able to get so close. The only thing I regret is not taking this step sooner."

He's always so earnest and honest with all his words. You can say for a fact that you've never met anyone like him. For a second you lean away, and you know he processes the lack of contact.

He straightens.


"Matt, can I take off your glasses?"

You see the way his brows crease, and your heart is racing. After a moment, he smiles.

"Yes, you can."

Swallowing, you nod, reaching over hesitantly you take either side of the spectacles, sliding it off his face. Once it's gone, you admire the beautiful brown shade of his irises. Placing his glasses down on the small table at the side of you, you turn back to him. His eyes are focused ahead, and you smile.

"You have pretty eyes Matt."

He smiles.

"I appreciate it, thank you."

You have to admit, he's even more handsome without the glasses on. You're so used to seeing it. It's not like this is the first time you've seen him without them. You've just gotten accustomed to the ruby orbs that cover so much. This time when you reach for him, you place both hands on his cheeks. His head lowers slightly at the gesture, and now that you're both faced in the general direction, you gulp.

"I-I'm going to kiss you now."

You aren't sure why you feel the need to announce it. He's still wearing that smile.

"Okay then."

His voice is a bit lower, and you give yourself an encouraging nod as you lean in. Matt has already closed his eyes. Your breathing seems to get a bit shallow with every inch that disappears. With one final beat of your heart, you finally meet in the middle and your body all but melts at the sensation. It's so warm, soft, and heavenly. You stay joined for what feels like forever.

It's nothing but a light brush, but when you finally pull away, your heart is beating so quickly you're almost convinced that it'll jump right out your chest. Matt's eyes are still closed, when he finally opens them, his expression mirrors your own.


You both mutter.

You didn't know something so simple could feel so good. Your body seems to move on its own, because you lean back in, and Matt is clearly caught by surprise. He lets out a little sound right before he's returning the heated kiss. Your hands grip into the front of his shirt, pulling him closer and he leans, both of your bodies falling back on the couch. He's on top of you, but you don't seem to be processing anything but the tenderness of his lips.

Matt seems to have taken control of the kiss, because he nibbles on your bottom lip and you're a bit unsure of how to proceed. He parts for you both to catch a breath, and you whimper when his lips change course. He's now trailing kisses along your throat. 

You're gripping at the back of his shirt, panting, desperately trying to gather your thoughts long enough, but it's all clouded by him. One of his hands moves over your blouse, right against your breast. The gentle squeeze elects a moan and you look down at his palm in disbelief and excitement.

"Should I..stop.."

His voice is disturbed by the kisses he's still littering on your skin. You shake your head, body tingling. If he were to stop you might actually die.

"N-No..please don't.."

You couldn't believe you were actually begging.

He nods, and when he starts nipping at the base of your neck, your mind immediately evaluates the fact that it'll definitely leave a mark. You try to press into him, and he finally shifts his focus, lips coming back to meet your own.


This kiss is much deeper than the first and when his tongue slips in, you can't help it, you moan. Matt swallows each sound, reaching for your thigh as he slides your leg across his waist. The adjusted position allows him to press more fully into you. You really wish it hadn't taken so long for you to make this move, because you literally could have had this all this time.

You have plenty of time to scold your past cowardice. Right now you just want to taste everything that Matt is offering. 

Matt Murdock (Daredevil)Where stories live. Discover now