can't stay apart: Johnny Knoxville

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reader being a crew member on jackass*

after being broken up for the past 3 weeks, johnny ends up taking reader home from steve-o's birthday party, where they spend their first night together since their breakup.

 warnings: slight angst, reader is crossed, debauchery at steve-o's apartment, fluff towards the end

"You leaving?" You could see Johnny walking towards the door of Steve-O's apartment, and as much as you would also be leaving if you had the opportunity, you weren't sure that you wanted him gone quite yet. Plus, to make matters worse, you were pretty sure he was trailing after some blonde you'd never seen before. Sure, the last time you'd interacted had been a fight and you'd told him you never wanted to fuck him again, but people lie.

"Going out for a smoke. And leaving, depending on how much I like the fresh air." He waved the pack of cigarettes in his hand up for you to see. "Why? You want one?"

"Yeah. I can't be in here anymore." All nerves on whether or not you were on good terms skipped your thoughts as he offered an escape from your brother's disgusting apartment, and you were out of your seat before he was even finished speaking. You watched his eyes pull on the blonde, who was already disappearing out the front door, before he stuck his place and waited for you to make your way over to him.

You made the quick walk up to the roof of Steve's apartment, and the entire time you were mentally praying that none of his creepy-ass friends were going to be up there. It made you feel a little better that Johnny would be there with you, but you still wanted silence all the same. Steve-O's friends really knew how to party like professionals, but they were clueless in how to respect boundaries and women in general.

"I didn't expect you to be here. I thought you refused to be in Steve-O's place." He muttered as he shoved a cigarette between his lips. To your relief, there was no one on the roof but the two of you, and the fresh air that he had promised was living up to its hype as you sat down in some of the discarded chairs.

"Well, it's his birthday. I'd feel bad if I didn't make an exception." You sighed, frowning a little bit when you watched him slip his pack right back into his pocket without saying anything. He better not want you to share.

"That's sweet." He said it so offhandedly that you almost didn't catch it. But you did, and you couldn't help the hint of a smile that pulled at your lips as he handed over the cigarette he'd just taken a short puff off of. Your eyes stayed on him as you took a longer drag, feet up and resting on the edge of his pool chair. You didn't even want to know where it had come from.

"Not really. He gave me an ounce of green to come." You admitted. You and Steve had always spent all of your birthdays together as kids, and you had tried to continue the tradition into adulthood, but sometimes it needed a little bit of coercion to convince you. Especially with your brother being who he was.

"Attagirl." Ugh. He was making it really hard to stay mad at him. You were trying to constantly replay the fight you'd had that had ended your relationship in the first place as an incentive, but even that wasn't working.

"What about you? Find any interesting blondes to go home with?" It was a pointed question, because you already knew the answer, but to your surprise, he merely brushed it off.

"Everyone at this party looks like they're on meth." He sighed, and then leaned forward to take a drag off the cigarette still between your fingers, a playful smirk on his face as he looked at you while doing it.

"PJ, you kind of look like you've been doing meth." You pointed out. He'd probably been up for a few days with whatever he was doing, and you could see nasty bruises across several inches of his exposed arms. None on his neck, thankfully. He chuckled, running a hand through his wild hair before slowly exhaling smoke.

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