17. Woven Memories

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Haseena came back after receiving a call,"It's the caterer, they said that they can't make the cake" Haseena slumped on the couch beside Karishma.

"I can make it" Karishma offered

"No" Haseena sat straight facing her, she gently picked up Karishma's hand holding it safe between hers, "You are already working too much Karishma, I know you want Santu to have the best wedding but tell me one thing, can Santu enjoy if you are always running around, she needs her best friend beside her. We can order it from somewhere else" Haseena kissed her hand.

Karishma nodded

"And we still have one more week to go! I am already exhausted and vexed by this marriage stuff" Haseena leaned back her shoulders drooping with the thought of the marathon she has to run next week.

"Already exhausted! What will you do when it's your wedding? You will be twice as busy" Karishma smiled.

"What is it with you guys? Cheetu also said the same thing yesterday. Anyway, I am not marrying?" Haseena shrugged

"I didn't get you" Karishma said her smile leaving her lips

"Yup, I don't believe in this marriage concept. It is just society's another elaborate fancy rule which I don't intend to follow"

"But we do live in that society, Haseena"

"Just tell me one thing, Karishma. What do you prefer? Me staying with you because we love each other person or Me staying with you because we are married and divorce is a time-consuming and costly business," Haseena didn't wait for Karishma's answer, "Of course because of love, right? And God forbid if in future things don't work out between us, you wouldn't have an invisible shackle called marriage binding you in a loveless relationship"

"But when you really love and are ready to promise a lifelong companionship, then what's wrong in announcing to the world that we are together and making that promise in public?"

"I don't mind announcing it right now Karishma! Just say the word" Haseena raised her eyebrows questioning her.

"Haseena" Karishma chided

"Okay sorry," Haseena held her ear and continued as Karishma smiled, "I don't mind announcing to the world Karishma, I am happy to announce. What I don't like is this elaborate drama called Wedding! And the society can go to hell for that. This so-called society changes its rules every day according to its own comfort never thinking of any individual, and many of them don't have the guts to stand for right, they are ready to do the wrong thing if the others doing it"

"I agree that society's rules are sometimes selfish, but marriage does have its advantages"

"Only legal ones Karishma, because the emotional bond depends on the individuals and how far they are willing to go for each other. And for the legal front, we can have some paperwork done without being married and have the same rights on each other on a social level"

Karishma nodded thinking deeply, what Haseena was saying logically made sense but she couldn't understand why Haseena made this decision. Karishma always loved marriages, the promises, the celebrations, and the hope for the future, being an orphan marriage felt like her only option for having a family, a chance to announce to society that she had a family legally, which the society time and time again pointed at her face.

"Hmm... so no marriage" Karishma said coming out of her thoughts

"Yup, no marriage"

"When did you decide on it?" Karishma asked trying to understand Haseena's stubbornness in not getting married

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