33. Angry young woman

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Agent Ghost is walking on a deserted street when a car comes to a skidding stop before her, she rolls her eyes and sits inside.

"Do you really need to do that?" Ghost sighed

"I like to keep you on your toes, you know warm up before the big game" Black chuckled.

"Idiot" Ghost shook her head, "What's the ETA?"

"In an hour, all our teams already assembled, they are waiting for your command," Black said cruising through the deserted Delhi streets, after 30 minutes they reached the outskirts of the city, they walked into an old shack.

"Jai Hind sir," Ghost said after coming out wearing her gear and rechecking her ammunition.

"Jai hind, Ghost" Chief signalled her to approach the table where a blueprint of an under-construction group of buildings was laid, "according to our intel, around 50 construction workers and engineers were taken hostage, we received a ransom call for releasing their leader who is presently in Bihar jail and from the intelligence we know there are more than 10 of them inside"

"Sir" Ghost left for her team saluting him

"So, team, all geared up?" Ghost asked coming to the team

"Yes, captain" they shouted in unison

"Good, keep this Josh up, we need that a lot tonight," Ghost glanced at Black and nodded at him, "let's go"

They all stood a little away from the buildings, a team member came with some photographs, "Captain, according to the thermal images, they kept the hostages on the 7th floor, in the 5thbuilding, which is protected by other buildings from all the corners, one face is free but it's all barren land, if we make any move, we will be sitting ducks," he passed her the images, "and captain, there are 2 terrorists stationed on 7thfloor of every building providing cover for them, 6 building, so total there are 17 of them, 7 of them stationed at the hostages"

Ghost nodded and turned towards black,

"Black, send two each to the other buildings, before I reach the hostages, I want them eliminated and I want you in the opposite building of the hostage"

"But I thought I was coming with you" Black protested

"You are the best sniper we got, black, I want you to have my back," Ghost pressed his shoulder, "there are fourteen of us, I'll be taking 3 with me, once they eliminate terrorists from other buildings, half of them should be on stand by and half should join me"

Black nodded, "and angry young woman, thoda sambal ke, jada gussa mat hona"

Black went to relay the orders to the team, Ghost once again checked her gear, her AK 203, two pistols near the ankles, a combat knife tied on her left thigh, and night vision specs.

Ghost and her team are hiding near the 5th building when her Bluetooth cracked in the dead of night,

"All buildings cleared captain" Black spoke.

"Good, team we are moving in, and back up team wait for my command on the 5th floor" Ghost and her team sneaked into the building, as she was about to move to the 5thfloor when one of her team members stopped her, pointing at a wire which is connected to a bomb, she nodded her head and the team member carefully cut the wire,

"Thank you, Rekha" Ghost nodded at her in appreciation

They stealthily moved towards the 7th floor, Ghost held her fist up stopping her team,

"Black" she whispered

"Two of them are guarding the hostages, 3 of them sat on the other side, while 2 of them are roaming near the steps"

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