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Hey Sweethearts, I know all of you are eagerly waiting for the first chapter and believe me, I am too. And don't vote for this, I'll be deleting this later.

Coming to the important part, as I was writing the second book what I encountered are lots of questions, not self doubt but doubt of whether the story is being delivered to you with the right standards are not. So, I need feedback from you all, please be a sport and kindly give me some constructive criticism which I can work on.

Whether it's the writing style or how the narration changes from scene to scene. Whether it's the characters or their standards which the plot may lacking to meet, any feed back will be appreciated. And also please feel free to add any requests, like seeing a particular sequence or something, everything and anything is valuable to me.

In my last story some said they need a little more Hindi in the dialogues, which I tried my best in this story and will continue to. I cannot promise to include all the requests but I'll try to do my best. Thank you once again and to answer the question many of you have, the first chapter will be coming out next week, until then lots of love❤️.

I too want a love story - KarEenaWhere stories live. Discover now