22. Give them hell, Ghost!

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Agents Ghost and Black stood a little far from the old factory, an ideal hiding place. The first ransom call came around 9 am to Mumbai's one of the richest businessmen, Mr Arihant Rajput, his daughter 13 years old, who went to a tennis practice at 7 am and never came back. The Kidnappers demanded 50 crores, the same amount he promised to donate to a political party, Arihant used all his contacts and the secret service stepped in at the crucial point.

Agent Ghost and Black alerted all their sources, and after a long chase, they got the information that Racket Ramesh who is known for Kidnapping and running a series of brothels in Mumbai, an important member of El Diablo's gang is behind this. When the Agents and their team reach the old factory it's already past midnight, they just have a few hours left before the sun comes up and the ransom amount to be paid.

"Agent Black send your team to form a perimeter around the factory" Agent Ghost turned to check the surroundings, the factory is almost in the middle of the forest, and it's been years since the factory has been closed for its illegal construction in the forest. The team stealthily took their positions, the crickets sound and occasional ruffling of the leaves did provide some cover to them in the dead of night.

Agent Black and Ghost moved towards the factory, they were cautious of any movements but what troubled them was that there was no one guarding the factory entrance, as they found cover in the shadow of the factory wall, Black whispered.

"Is the info wrong? No one will leave the door unguarded"

Ghost nodded and looked around, finding a little window above, she signed Black to provide support, and with the help of Black she reached the window, she could see two people guarding the entrance from inside, if they had busted in without care, they would have been ambushed,

"Two people by the entrance, at the other end of the factory I can make out a silhouette of someone on the floor with hands and legs tied, most probably the girl, she is unconscious, I think. A few goons chatting and a man better dressed than the others speaking on the phone a little far away from others, two pairs of mobiles placed before him on the table, I think he is Ramesh. There is a back entrance too" Ghost said as she came down.

"What's the plan?"

"Hmm... Black you take 8 members with you and start firing from the entrance, they'll not be prepared for an ambush, I and 2 of our members enter from the back and retrieve the girl, once she is out of the factory, tell some of the back up to join the attack, I don't want any of those bastards to get out of here alive"

"Yes, Agent but however startled or engaged they may be, you going inside is very dangerous"

"See Black, if we didn't save the girl on time, they can escape using her or in the worst case they can harm too, we can't take that risk"

"Then can I join you?"

"No" Ghost spoke sternly


"That's an order, Agent Black, relay the orders to the team, in T minus 10 minutes you start the firing" Ghost signalled 2 officers to join her.

"Let's add another success story to our list, Black" Ghost smirked

"Give them hell Ghost" Black smirked black and left for his position

The girl has been safely carried out of the factory, Ghost orders immediate medical assistance for her, on the other side the entrance of the factory is ablaze with bullets, the backup team also joins, seeing the opportunity Black slip into the back.

Ghost kicked hard on Ramesh's left leg making him fall but he was on his feet in no time, they both engaged in a lethal fight seriously damaging each other, Ramesh kicked on her stomach making her hurl a few feet away, and blood spluttered from her mouth. They lost their pistols a few seconds into the fight, Ghost stood up spitting the blood in her mouth, gritting her teeth she dashed towards him.

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