2(6). Purgatory

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Haseena stopped at Barkat and helped her mother with the luggage, they walked in silence to the main door. Noor Jhan sighed as they entered the empty house, the house which was always filled with love and laughter was now barren, desperate for the lost happiness as the souls entered the house.

Helping Noor Jhan to settle, Haseena sat on the couch in the dark with an eerie silence engulfing her. She opened her phone and messaged Cheeta that they settled and thank you for cleaning the house. Cheeta instantly replied as though waiting for Haseena's message.

'Your luggage is in your room, call me if you need anything'

'Sure Cheetu, good night'

'Good night and Hasu try to get some sleep'

'I'll try'

Haseena stood up, she looked up the stairs dreading the impending, she slowly walked up to the room, she stood before the door for a long time before entering, taking a deep breath, she entered.

Her eyes teared as she looked around the room, the last time she was in this room, she did the unthinkable, she stumbled and sat on the ground where Karishma sat the last time, she held her palm against her mouth to muffle her cries knowing well that her Ammi is still awake.

"Abbu" she whispered looking out towards the balcony, "what have I done?" she sobbed, "even if she forgives me one day, how will I ever forgive myself for hurting her?" she wailed slapping herself repeatedly, "a few months earlier I thought I almost lost the battle between life and death but I think her love helped to come alive but with everything that happening I think I'll be meeting you soon," she sadly chuckled, "however this time I don't want to break my promise to her, I am going to try till the end to make things perfect for her"

Haseena leaned on the bedpost, closing her eyes and spilling into the much-needed sleep. A few minutes into her sleep, her expression turned anxious, she could see flashes of blood dripping from various bodies, lots of drinks, people fighting each other, her injured self, cries of people in pain, murders and more murders, she shooting people, and again blood, she drenched in blood and many people smirking at her pain, then a big blast.

She opened her eyes wide as a sense of suffocation settled in, cold sweats broke all over her body shivering in fear, she huffed trying to get oxygen into her brain.

She patted her pockets to find her medicines missing, pain shot through her being, she clutched her erratically beating heart which was on the verge of breaking. Her body wrecked in tremors; she lay on the floor unable to sit anymore.

"It's okay Haseena, you are not gonna die. It's just a panic attack, it'll pass" she mumbled again and again, trying to send that message to her confused brain which is adamant on thinking that she'll die any minute now.

She stayed on the ground for nearly an hour, gaining control on herself she crawled to the bathroom door and hauled herself up using the handle, she stumbled into the washroom, her face looked wretched under the harsh LED light, her clothes soaked in sweat clinging to her body, she splashed a hand full of cold water on her face getting the much-needed solace.

She leaned on the mirror feeling too weak to continue, "you should get hold of yourself Haseena" she sighed dragging herself to the shower.

Karishma opened the back door and entered the sterile kitchen, after what happened yesterday her mind and body screamed for a few hours of rest but Karishma being Karishma powered through it. Her body ached trying to grab Karishma's attention but it was also well aware that Karishma was not going to show mercy.

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