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It wasn't really hard to track you down. He has eyes all over the city-especially on you, his in-debt runaway. You've been slaving your days away, trying to hide under radar and trying so hard to scrape by. He had to hand it to you though, you're smart enough to bribe one of his useless men while he was off doing business.

"Are you finally ready to talk this out like adults?" Kikuchi Chisuke asks. He hasn't been waiting long. He knows your schedule by now. Still, he lounges around your dingy apartment complex as if it was his own, waiting for you to return home.

"Runnin' from the Yakuza.. you really surprise me every time, baby doll." Chisuke's gaze sweeps over the singular room. It was small. Extremely so. There was a lack of furniture, and a smell that never fades. He almost feels bad for you.


just getting home, humming softly. hasnt noticed him yet, looking for her keys in her purse "mm.."


Kikuchi Chisuka smirks and pulls the keys out of your purse.

"Don't worry I got those for ya~" he says while closing the distance in just a few steps. He stands behind you and wraps his arms around your tiny body, pinning your arms to your side. You were trapped, unable to squirm your way out of his hold.

"I've got you right where I want you~" as he trails his fingers down over the side of your cheek.


"eh ?" sueprised, struggling against him "Chisuke ? how did you find me I.."


Kikuchi Chisuka grins at the struggling woman, seemingly amused by your pathetic attempts at resisting him. "I've got eyes everywhere," he replies, his mouth close to your ear.

"It took you quite some time to realize that, didn't it?" he whispers, his voice like a purr. "How long have you been thinking that you could get away from me by coming to this... dilapidated place ?"


"Heh. You're pretty much under MY protection now. The Kikuchi name is a big deal you know?" he whispers. The dark haired man leans his cheek against your neck, grinning as he stares at you. His eyes flicker to the side as he surveys the small space and he frowns slightly at the lack of furniture.

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