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You didn't live up to his standards—that much was true. It was almost cruel; making you run back and forth within the company, tending to his every needs.

You first started out as a mundane office worker. It wasn't until Seong Chan-yeol relieved his former right hand man from his position did the role as his personal secretary opened. The promotion was so sudden. But eventually, you got used to stepping on eggshells while he worked.

"There's an error here." Chan-yeol was unimpressed, reading glasses perched on his high bridged nose as he gazed at the documents presented in front of him. He was currently reading the report you've written yourself last night while working yet another overtime.


yawns, doesn't hear what he said "a what ? an error ?" leans in slightly "what do you mean ?


"I mean, that this report needs a revamp." Chan-yeol pushes back the documents closer to her with a look of faint annoyance. "My presentation is in an hour."
You remember that the presentation Chan-yeol is referring to is an important client meeting that's happening today. Chan-yeol didn't have the time to prepare for it so he gave you the responsibility of composing the report.


"a revamp ? within an hour ?" rubs eyes a bit, was planning on going to bed "you'll return with more errors if you make me work like this" sighs softly, grabbing the report and reading it through


"Do I look like I have the time to rewrite this entire thing myself?" Chan-yeol was still visibly agitated. But his expression changes at your remark.

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