Chapter 3

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Mayank leaned back in his chair, a smile spreading across his face as he shared his plan with Ujjwal.

"How about we head out to this hotel I know? It's on the highway, surrounded by tall trees. Perfect for a late-night dinner. I'll bring Prachi, you bring Ishika, and the four of us can drive down together. It'll be fun."

Ujjwal's eyes lit up at the idea. He was always up for a good time, especially with his friends. "Sounds great! I'll tell Ishika."

Later that day, Ujjwal told Ishika about Mayank's plan. Her face immediately brightened, and excitement filled her eyes. "That sounds like so much fun! I'll wear my new kurti."

As night fell, the excitement in the air was palpable. Ujjwal was ready and waiting, already seated on a chair, tapping his foot impatiently as when will Ishika finished getting ready.

When she finally stepped out in her new kurti, Ujjwal's breath caught in his throat. He stared at her, struggling to find words to describe just how beautiful she looked.

In his mind, the words he couldn't voice aloud echoed: "Ishika, do you know how beautiful you look to me?"

A short while later, Mayank pulled up in his car to pick them up. Ishika climbed into the backseat, settling in comfortably, her eyes fixed on the passing scenery outside the car window as the highway stretched out before them.

Beside Mayank in the front seat sat Prachi, his girlfriend. She was known for her sharp tongue and fearless nature.

If someone dared to say something bad to her, she wasn't one to back down. In fact, she had a knack for turning the tables on those who tried to tease or trouble her.

After an hour's drive, the car pulled into the parking lot of the hotel. The building was surrounded by tall trees, just as Mayank had described.

The four of them stepped out of the car, the cool night air brushing against their faces as they made their way inside.

Once seated, they quickly ordered their food. As they waited, Ishika glanced around the hotel, noticing the other couples sitting at various tables.

She couldn't help but compare herself to the other women, with their flawless skin and slender figures.

The thoughts crept in unbidden, weighing heavily on her heart. She wondered if Ujjwal deserved better than her- someone with lighter skin, someone thinner.

The insecurities gnawed at her, and it took everything she had to hold back her tears.

She couldn't let Ujjwal see her like this.

Just then, the food arrived, pulling her from her thoughts. Mayank, still chatting animatedly about the hotel, barely paused as the waiter set down two plates of food.

Ujjwal handed one plate to Ishika with a smile, and Mayank passed the other to Prachi, telling them to start eating.

Two minutes later, two more plates arrived, and Ujjwal and Mayank finally began eating.

The food, just like the hotel, lived up to the praise Mayank had given it.

As they finished their meals, Mayank suggested getting some ice cream. Ishika immediately shook her head, concern for Ujjwal overriding everything else.

"He will catch a cold, so don't give him any ice cream."

Mayank and Prachi exchanged amused glances, their smiles widening. They appreciated how much Ishika cared for Ujjwal.

It was clear in every word she spoke, in every little thing she did for him.

Mayank turned to her, "Ishika, you'll have some, right?"

She hesitated, then softly replied, "no."

Ujjwal, sensing her unease, spoke up gently. "If you don't have a problem with ice cream, you can eat it."

With that, Mayank, Prachi, and Ishika each took a serving of ice cream. As they ate, Ishika couldn't stop herself from glancing at Ujjwal.

She knew him too well, she could tell by reading his face that he wanted to join them in enjoying the treat but was holding back because of what she had said earlier.

Her heart ached with guilt, knowing that her concern had kept him from indulging in something so simple.

When they finally left the hotel and got back into the car to head home, Ishika sat quietly, the weight of her earlier thoughts still heavy on her heart. Ishika remained silent, lost in her own mind.

As the car sped through the dark, tree-lined highway, her thoughts were a storm of insecurities and doubts, each one more painful than the last.

And though she tried to shake off the feelings, the comparison with others continued to plague her, making it difficult to see just how much she was truly loved.

Since Ishika is sad, all her previous sorrows start flooding back. Her right leg begins to tremble slightly, and she starts sweating.

Ishika avoids making eye contact with Ujjwal, who is sitting next to her, fearing he might notice her tear-filled eyes.

She feels something on her shoulder and when she looks, she realizes that Ujjwal has fallen asleep, and his head has landed on her shoulder.

Despite everything, Ishika feels a little good inside that Ujjwal's head is resting on her shoulder.

But then, a thought crosses her mind-what if Ujjwal wakes up and realizes his head was on her shoulder, he might not like it.

Thinking this, Ishika gently lifts Ujjwal's head off her shoulder. But even in his sleep, Ujjwal places his head back on her shoulder. Ishika smiles inwardly. She too wants Ujjwal's head to stay on her shoulder.

Then Ishika remembers that Ujjwal had called her pretty. She looks at Ujjwal, who is still sleeping on her shoulder. And her heart has become lighter.

The road ahead is quite bumpy, and Ishika worries that Ujjwal's sleep might be disturbed. As she's thinking this, Ujjwal's head slowly slips into her lap, and he continues sleeping. Ishika feels good.

Seeing Ujjwal asleep in her lap, it feels as if Ishika's entire body has become lighter. Her heavy heart returns to normal.

Gently, she begins to caress Ujjwal's head with her hands. Her mood lifts, and she places one hand on Ujjwal's shoulder to ensure he doesn't fall.

Ishika's breath stopped for a second when, in his sleep, Ujjwal placed his hand on her thighs.

Ujjwal's touch doesn't make Ishika uncomfortable; rather, she feels good.

She thinks to herself, "If Ujjwal finds out that my thighs are thick, he might start to dislike me."

Whenever Ishika goes out, she wears knee-length kurtis because she feels embarrassed about her thighs. She's so used to wearing kurtis that she even wears them at home.

So, Ishika thinks that because of the knee-length kurti, Ujjwal might not have noticed that her thighs are thick. But when he will find out, it might not match his expectations.

A large speed bump wakes Ujjwal up. Realizing that he has been sleeping on Ishika, he sits up and says to her, "Ishika, I didn't realize when I fell asleep on your lap."

Ishika replies, "It's ok."


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