Chapter 30 : Her Confession

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"Hmm?" Ishika responds.

"Do you love me?" He asks.

"Yes, I love you, Kumar," Ishika cups Ujjwal's cheek with one hand and says.

"I love you too." Ujjwal kisses her on the head and cuddles her. He feels grateful.

Ishika feels comfort in his arms. Both of them then fall asleep.

(6 days later)

It had been cloudy all morning.

By afternoon, it started raining, and the sky looked as if it was a night due to the dark clouds.

There was heavy lightning, and its sound echoed everywhere.

Even in the evening, the rain hadn't stopped for a moment.

By now, the roads were flooded, and people were driving carefully, also afraid that water might get into their vehicle's exhaust.

Wherever manholes were open, people had placed boards around them to warn others to avoid those areas.

Sneha, Ishika's mom, lived in a place lower than the surrounding areas. So, when it rained heavily, water often flooded around her house, and if it kept raining, water could even enter her home.

Ishika remembered a few years ago when it rained heavily, and water started entering their home, flooding up to their knees. Both she and her mom were very worried at the time.

Now, Ishika was at the office and remembered the heavy rain today. She called her mom to check if everything was okay.

The first two calls didn't go through, but on the third try, it connected.

"Hello, mom."

"Yes," Sneha's voice was faint, drowned out by the sound of rain.

"Mom, are you okay?" Ishika asked, worried.

"I had a headache earlier, so I slept. I just woke up and saw that water has filled up outside the house. I was about to call you," Sneha's voice trembled with fear, worried that water might enter the house like last time.

"Okay, mom. I'll tell Ujjwal to come and bring you to our place," Ishika said.

"Okay, tell him to be careful. The roads are really flooded," Sneha's voice was cutting in and out.


Ishika quickly called Ujjwal.


"It's raining so heavily in the city that we're closing the office early. I'm coming to pick you up from work," Ujjwal said, checking his watch.

"I'll get home on my own. Don't worry about me. Right now, you need to go get my mom. The water has filled up outside her house, and it will soon get inside," Ishika said quickly, worried that the call might get cut due to network issues.

"Okay," Ujjwal said and left the office.

Mayank also left, while Prachi had already reached home.

Ujjwal put his bag in the car, sat down, and started driving.

He tried calling his mother in law, but the call didn't go through.

Ishika had also left the office and managed to find a cab.


Seeing the waterlogged roads, Ishika grew more anxious about her mom, wondering how much worse it was there.

She tried calling her mom again, but the call didn't connect, making her even more worried.

Meanwhile, Sneha couldn't leave the house because the water outside had risen above her knees, and she feared she couldn't walk through it alone, especially at her age. She was afraid of slipping and falling.

Now, water had started entering the house, and her fear increased. She tried calling Ishika and Ujjwal, but couldn't get through.

The rain and wind were both extremely strong. Wind sweeping away any loose objects in its path.

As Ujjwal drove, he encountered a blocked road ahead, as it was completely flooded. He had to take another route, which also had water but wasn't as bad.

Ishika finally reached home and tried calling Ujjwal, but now even his call didn't connect. Her anxiety grew.

By now, water had filled Sneha's house up to her knees.

Finally, Ujjwal reached Sneha's house but couldn't drive further, so he had to walk the rest of the way.

He got out of the car and started walking. The water was up to his thighs. He tries to walk quickly, but the water is limiting his speed.

Finally, Ujjwal reaches home, panting.

Inside, he sees his mother-in-law sitting on the bed, looking very scared. As soon as she sees Ujjwal, she tries to stand up.

"You've come," Sneha says in a frightened voice.

"Yes, don't worry. We'll reach home safely," Ujjwal reassures her, giving her courage.

Both of them start walking out of the house. Ujjwal holds her hand tightly to ensure she doesn't fall.

Inside the house, the water was up to their knees, but outside, it reaches their thighs.

While walking outside, Sneha loses her balance and was about to fall, but since Ujjwal had held her hand firmly, she didn't fall.

"Careful," Ujjwal says.

When they reach the car, Sneha feels relieved.

Ujjwal opens the door and helps her sit inside, then goes to the other side and sits down himself.

Ujjwal then starts driving.

Meanwhile, Ishika is in a state of deep worry.

"I was so scared," Sneha says.

"It's natural to feel scared in such a situation," Ujjwal replies.


"Call Ishika and let her know we're safe," Ujjwal suggests, knowing that she must be worried.

Sneha calls but it doesn't connect. She keeps trying every few minutes until finally, the call goes through.

"Kumar, did you find Mom? Are you both okay?" Ishika speaks hurriedly.

"Ujjwal and I are in the car now. We're coming home-" Sneha says and the call gets disconnected.

Ishika feels a bit relieved knowing that both of them are safe and on their way home. However, she's still a little anxious because the roads are flooded.

Ishika then freshens up and goes to the kitchen to start cooking.


Heavy rain and strong winds make the windshield wipers work constantly to clear the water.

"We'll reach home, right?" Sneha asks, concerned as the rain shows no sign of stopping.

"We will reach home no matter what, but there's so much water on the roads that I think the car might stall," Ujjwal replies.

"What?" Sneha says, the tension visible on her face.

"Don't worry, we'll get home," Ujjwal assures her, trying to calm her down.

Ishika, now thinking it's been too long, wonders why they haven't arrived yet. She tries calling them, but the call doesn't go through.


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