041. Blueberry Muffins

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Under various trees, a small rustic home lays perfectly as if the forest had grown around it. Unlike the Cullen home, this one is more secluded and closed, allowing for a more comfortable and warm feeling to gather. Standing before it reminds her of autumn and the leaves falling down in perfect sync. It feels more like home, which is the feeling she's been searching for the past couple of months.

"Oh, by the way," Jacob stops halfway into reaching the entrance before turning to her, "About Emily, Sam's fiancée, don't stare. It bugs Sam."

Mia furrows her brows in confusion, wondering why she would even stare. She knows better than to ask questions, so she just nods along and follows him in. The pack is gathered around the kitchen grabbing blueberry muffins from a tray. Two of them fight over who gets more, but Emily slaps their hands off and reprimands them like a mother scolding her children.

"Leave some for your brothers," Emily takes the second muffin from Jared's hands, who stares at her pleadingly as if hoping she would cave.

"About time you guys got here!" Embry stands up to greet Jacob, both of them beginning their handshake while Jared rolls his eyes at their antics.

"So you're the infamous Mia," Emily places the tray of muffins down and walks over to her, surprising her by pulling her in for an embrace. "It's nice to finally meet the girl these guys won't shut up about."

Now she understands why Jacob told her not to stare. A scar runs down the side of her face, stopping shortly just before her chin ends. She does what she was told and only focuses on her eyes before glancing away. "Hopefully it's good things."

"Believe me, it is. I'm Emily," Emily introduces herself and offers her a muffin that she eagerly takes.

"I'm Mia, which you probably must know if these guys kept talking about me," she bashfully says before taking a bite of her muffin. "For Merlin's sake, this is really good."

"Well, thank you," Emily softly laughs. "So I take it that you're the witch in love with a vampire."

Nearly choking on the pastry, Mia shakes her head vigorously. "Not anymore. That's in the past." She notices the brief look of sympathy in her eyes, but appreciates how quickly it vanishes. "So that means you're the girl in love with a werewolf then."

She smiles, "I guess so. Well, I'm engaged to one."

"I'm Jared, the better wolf of the pack," Jared joins the conversation and offers his hand, causing Emily to roll her eyes at his interruption.

Paul scoffs in offense, "Excuse you, but you couldn't be more wrong."

"Exactly. We all know it's me that's the better one," Embry prides himself as he manages to steal the muffin from Paul's hand.

"You're all wrong. It's me that deserves that title," Quil teases them, earning a few scoffs and shoves from the rest of the pack.

A warm feeling gathers in her chest and for the first time in a while, a genuine laugh is formed. It's been so long since she's felt enjoyment, which leaves her perplexed at its foreignness.

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