Chapter 29: Sacrifice

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After a while, Loki (TVA) and the others stood on a cliff overlooking where Alioth was.

"Okay," said Mobius, "so what's the next move?"

"The TVA needs to be brought down," Sylvie replied. "We don't know who created it, or where they are, but that thing out there does."

"When it hit me earlier, I linked to it." She explained. "It was brief, but I caught a glimpse of something, and I think if I can get close enough to it, I can enchant it, and it's gonna take me to whoever's behind all of this."

Loki (TVA) glanced at Sylvie to see her reach into a pocket and hand him something. When he took it, he realized it was the TemPad, and he knew what she wanted him to do. She wanted him to leave. To get to safety.

No. No, he wouldn't abandon her. Not after all they'd been through. They would get through this together, and they would figure everything else out together. Loki (TVA) was sure of that.

"I'm staying." He said firmly.

"Loki," Sylvie said, shaking her head. "I don't even know if this is going to work—"

"You go, I go." Loki (TVA) cut her off, determination in his voice. He wasn't going to back down on this.

Luckily, he didn't have to argue with Sylvie. With a nod, she allowed him to stay. Loki (TVA) handed the TemPad to Mobius and he got a Time Door ready.

"It's happening, guys." Said Loki (Kid). "The branch will be right out there." He pointed to a part of Alioth that was sticking out into the open.

"I'll give your regards to Renslayer," Mobius told Sylvie.

"Oh, please do," Sylvie said with a smirk.

Mobius turned to the other Loki Variants. "You boys want a ticket out of here?" He asked them.

"What?" Said Loki (Kid). "No. We're staying here."

"This is our home." Said Loki (Classic).

Loki (Alligator) growled in agreement.

"Are you sure?" Loki (TVA) asked. "What about Alioth?"

"We've survived this long. We know what we're doing." Loki (Classic) assured him.

"Loki," Loki (Kid) said, "you're going to need this on your journey." He took out his sword and held it out to Loki (TVA).

"Go on." He urged him when he hesitated.

Loki (TVA) took the sword and summoned a scabbard with his magic so he could put it away.

"Good luck." Loki (Classic) said. "I hope you find what you're looking for."

Loki (TVA) nodded in thanks as they walked away.

"Looks like you got away in the end." Said Mobius as the Time Door opened.

Loki shrugged. "I always do."

"What will you do at the TVA?" Loki asked him.

"Burn it to the ground." He answered. "Thanks for the spark."

Loki chuckled, shaking his head. He would've never thought they would be friends when they first met, yet here they were.

"Well," Mobius said, "see you later, Loki." He held out his hand for him to shake it.

But they'd come too far for that.

Loki wrapped Mobius up in a tight hug. "Thank you, my friend." He said.

Sylvie watched as Loki and Mobius embraced, the corners of her mouth turning upward into a smile. Loki had another friend besides her. She knew how alone he was in the years that they were separated, so this was good for him.

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