Can we just Talk?

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Dinorah: Crystalinaaa I've missed you gurl! You look good, I can wait to catch up with you.

Crystal: I missed you way more, when did you get back?

Dinorah: Early yesterday morning, I needed a day to reset and rest.

Dinorah took a 6 month hiatus. She traveled the world with limited access to spend time with God. Prior her life was lifing with her current clients. Cry and Devale was both still her clients but had no projects while they were getting the family adjusted. Sistas is airing season 7 but they have pre filmed through season 9. She was super intentional with her time away. She knew Crys had the baby but didn't know about the drama field last few months.

Dinorah: He is so freaking adorable, them cheeks! How is Mimi doing, I saw her on your story earlier. She's getting so big. How is she adjusting to finally being a big sister?

Crystal: She's doing really good. She thinks he is her child, she takes her big sister role very seriously.

Dinorah: Good. Does she still talk to her mom?

Crystal:Khadeen left suddenly, She's been gone a few months now. Her family claims she had a mental breakdown about not being able to get Amira back. She hasn't called anyone, it's been no trace of her.

Dinorah: Whatttt that's crazy Ti, I hope she's ok.

Crystal: That hoe is fine. If my baby does decide one day she wants to connect with her I got eyes REAL close that can bring her to me. Until then the bitch can stay gone. Just wait until I tell you how much havoc she's caused my household.

Dinorah: Talk girl, what's Tea?

Crystal: Aht aht before we get on my business let me sip a little of yours. So I saw your story as well. Who was that fine handsome man you was looking at with the googly eyes?

Dinorah: That's my man chile, let's just say we both have a lot to fill each other up on.

Crystal and Dinorah spent the rest of the afternoon drinking wine and catching up. Dinorah told her all about her new man she met a few months ago but decided to make it official recently.

Dinorah: He is everything I prayed for Crys. He is all New York but he loves Jesus. He owns a chain of landscaping companies, no children. He was in a serious relationship for 7 years before realizing she wasn't the one. He is such a beautiful person, his appearance gives street but he is far from it.

Crystal: I'm so happy for you. I can't wait to meet him. You should bring him to dinner so Devale and I can grill him.

Dinorah: Ok, let's set it up. I have to talk to D first because I do not need him going all big brother on my man. How is he?

Crystal: My honey is stressed the fuck out. He says he feels like a failure of a father for not protecting Amira. He thinks he is responsible for my post pardum, he has convinced himself that I'm only still with him for the kids because two  months ago I didn't want to talk about getting married.

At the time I was  going through post pardum and also was trying to get that weight off me. Unfortunately,  we went through a small period where Amira would either lash out at me or be super clingy. Both moods was equally exhausting.

We said we would go to family therapy but didn't want to many therapist if that makes sense. We decided to get Mimi straight then us. She loves her therapist and has been thriving, now it's our turn if it's not too late.

Dinorah: If it's not too late? Is it that bad?

Crystal started to cry as she confessed to Dinorah that they aren't on the same page and that the romance is non existent. She confessed that they barely have sex and when they do it's feels like a chore.

Crystal: We put on our happy faces for  them but niether one of us are happy and at this point we probably won't be together too much longer. I love him but I have to put myself first and he doesn't even try. I'm basically single with a live in baby daddy. I hate it D.

Dinorah: Awww poo don't cry. This fixable. Pray on it, talk to him and get therapy immediately sis.

Crystal: I'll try to tonight if he is open to it. I know he loves me I think he regrets chosing to restart his life. I don't know it's hard to explain.

Dinorah: Save it for therapy.

The two laughed and talked another hour before Crystal headed home. Duece was the first to see her when she walked in the door. The now 5 month old was sitting in his highchair eating frozen fruit to aid with his the pain of new teeth coming through. He  tried to jump out the chair to get to her while yelling Mama.

Crystal is his favorite person.He loved his momma just as much as his sister loved him. Crystal took him out his highchair drowning him in cheeks kisses. She turned to see Amira and Devale sitting at the table both with the same determined look on their faces.

Crystal: Hey yall, what yall playing?

Mimi: Chess, hey mommy.

Devale: Hey babe, how was your day?

Crystal: It was good she replied after first kissing Amiras cheek then walking over to kiss Devale as well.

Crystal: Dinorah got a new man we need to screen babe. I had fun catching up but I missed my babies.

Amira: We missed you too mommy, did you bring me something back?

Crystal: Yeah. ME. How you like it?

Amira: That was so corny mommy.

Crystal: I thought it was funny. I bought the rest of your stuff for camp. How was your day babe?

Devale: It was cool, when Dino bringing her dude over?

Crystal: I was thinking tomorrow or Friday night. I wanted to check with you first.

Devale: Both days work, just let me know. Amira go get your bag ready so I can drop you off.

Amira: Ok Daddy, but don't move any pieces while I'm gone. Mommy can you come with us?

Crystal: Where yall going sweets?

Devale: Andi is taking her and Shiya to some teen entrepreneur brunch tomorrow. She asked if I can bring her tonight because they have to leave early.

Crystal: Sure, go get your stuff together. I need to talk to your dad for a minute.

Amira took Duece and disappeared to gather her stuff.

Devale: I'm sorry about earlier babe, I feel like shit.

Crystal: Me too, I shouldn't have kept pressing the issue. Uhm I know we agreed not to allow Duece to stay overnight with anyone but I want to take him to your mom so we can talk. Is that okay with you?

Devale: I spoke to her earlier and she wasn't feeling to well. I'll ask Sky if he can watch him for a few hours. He is on daddy duty with Caden since Andi has the girls.

Crystal: Thanks babe.

Devale: No problem, but are we good.

Crystal: Yeah, we good babe.

A few hours later......

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