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A few hours later they are in the kitchen listening to RnB jams making Devales favorite soulfood dinner together.

She made fried cabbage, baked macaroni and cheese, basami rice, broccoli and fried Catfish for him and baked salmon for her.

He boiled the noodles, shredded the cheese and seasoned the fish
He also had an "I'm sorry" bouquet of yellow and pink roses delivered.

Crystal set the table, Devale got the wine and plated the food and lit some candles after putting the roses in a new vase with fresh water.

Devale: Dinner is delicious, thank you babe.

Crystal: Thank you for help, I miss us doing things together.

Devale: I miss us.

Crystal: Yeah, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I confessed somethings to Dinorah today that scared me.

Devale: What things?

Crystal: Sometimes I feel like you regret this life. I feel like neither one of us ever thought we would end up here.

Devale: No, I don't regret anything when it comes to you. Do you?

Crystal: We're not happy Devale and I don't think you want to fix this and I don't know what else to do.

Devale: Of course I want to fix this! I really am sorry about this morning. I was wrong for screaming in your face and snatching the baby out of your hands and for insinuateing you're a bad mother. That hurt you and I'm sorry, I was just trying to hit back because you called me on my shit.

Crystal: I know and this isn't about that specifically but you're right that did hurt me.

Devale: I know and I'm sorry. None of it was true babe, I feel like shit for even saying something to you like that.

Crystal: I understand that Devale but like I said it wasn't that specifically. Over all I feel like we're not on the same page. We are only in this for the kids and that's not fair to them or to us.

Devale: What are you talking about? I do everything I can to show my love for you. I'm not in it just for the kids, I'm in it because you are my heart. Do you want out?

Crystal: Do you? You treat me like a roommate and I'm tired of it. You barely touch me, I can't talk to you without you attacking me. I don't feel loved, I feel trapped.

Devale was shocked at her words, he knew it was hard at times but he didn't know it was this bad.

He called her over to him. He sat her down on his lap in a straddle position. He made direct eye contact while wiping her tears. He couldn't stop his own tears from falling.

He hated seeing that hurt in her face, he took a deep breathe making sure to choose his words very carefully

Devale: Trapped? Crissy are you serious right now? Baby we're not breaking up our kids and we're not calling it quits. I'm not trapping you, but you're not leaving me. After you left this morning I had to sit with that shit. You were right about me not seeing you and I do see you, I just need to do better at telling you. Babe I fucked up but I can't lose you. I love you, I'm so sorry baby.

Crystal: I love you too. I don't want to break up our family. I just don't want to feel this sadness anymore.

Devale: I didn't know you was holding all this in. I'm not blaming you but I got used to you not wanting to be touched that I stopped attempting. I didn't know how to handle your post pardum, I didn't know how to handle Amira. I didn't know how to handle the public or answer the blogs. I'm sorry I dumped all that stress on you. I didn't mean to push you away.

Crystal: Devale I kept telling you that it was nothing you could do. You see soon as I got that weight off I was good. That was all I needed. I was there with you and let's be honest your way of dealing with Amira was to "get away". While you worked out your stress at the gym I was stuck here taking that shit with a newborn and post pardum.

I know I upset you by saying Khadeen allowed to barely show up, but I need more. We're completely disconnected Devale.

Devale: I don't think we are, today was a bad day. We have had a few bad days but not enough to quit. Please don't quit on us baby. I'll do anything! Anything baby, please don't give up on us.

Crystal: I'm willing to try, I need you to meet me have way babe. I have to be honest, I'm mentally preparing for us to end it and I hate this feeling. Duece will be fine but Amira will be destroyed and while I don't want to stay together for them I do want to try for them.

Devale: Crystal if your mentally preparing for it to end then why even fight for it. You have already given up. Don't play with me or my kids, if it's over then we need to figure shit out not. Why even bother.

Crystal: Because I love you that's why bother. Because yall are my reason, that why bother, because I deserve my happily ever after.

Just then Andi text Crystal telling her she would drop Duece in the morning. He wa sleeping and Andi knew the two needed a kid free night.

Devale hasn't responded to the last few things Crystal said. She climbed off of his lap feeling defeated and walked away. He soon heard the shower going but still hadn't went after her.

Devale was contemplating between fighting for his family or just parting ways.

Crystal was in the shower debating the same thing. She stood under the scolding hot water letting the tears fall in the steam.

Usually she would muffle her cry but tonight she couldn't. She sobbed uncontrollably at what was and what was to come.

When she was finally having a good cry she wrapped her shower up and climbed into bed.

Devale came in the room a few moments later and stood over her. She immediately noticed how red his eyes were. He has been drinking, smoking and crying.

Devale pulled the covers back climbing into bed and spooning himself on top of her.

Devale: I'm sorry baby, I'm going to fix this I promise.

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