
813 47 64

Location: Chicago

When I got back home to Angel's house, I noticed all the lights were off.

To be honest I was just glad she didn't lock me out and I was able to get back in.

I turned on damn near every single light in the house simply because she still never gave me a house tour.

I went in the kitchen to see that she never finished her food, both of our plates were in the fridge.

I got a little upset at this cause ian cook for it not to get ate plus I noticed she hasn't ate much of anything today.

She's been deep in thought or trying to argue every time she been around food.

I warmed her plate up for her before I went up the steps to make sure she ate something.

I turned on the hallway lights and seen her room door was closed so I stood there knocking for about 5 minutes before I let myself in.

I opened the door to see she was in there sleep.

She opened her eyes when the light from the hallway hit her face and I walked over to the bed letting her know I wanted her to eat a little bit.

She sat up taking a few bites before she put the plate down and rolled back over.

I just watched her as she looked so tired and stressed. I don't like knowing i'm the cause.

I didn't know that telling her I don't want to be with her would hurt her that bad, make her cry that much.

I picked the plate up off the bedside table and went back downstairs so I could actually eat too.

I was putting my stuff in the microwave when my phone started ringing and I seen it was mom.

"Hey mom" I answered softly

"Are you okay? You sound upset"

I let out a sigh

"It's just been a long day, what's up?" I asked deflecting

"I've been trying to call Angel, have you talked to her?"

"Yea she upstairs sleep"

"This is early for her and you sound stressed, what happened?"

"Too much, mom, too much"

"I'm not sure we can ever fix our relationship. Like even to just be friends i'm not sure it's possible" I said my voice cracking a little bit

"Why would you think that?"

"I'm tired mom, I just can't keep waiting on Angel"

"Flau'jae I know my daughter can be a handful and I know y'all are not on the best terms but you fell in love with her for a reason"

"Don't be so blinded by this rough patch that you can't remember the good"

"I'm not saying you have to forget the bad but just remember the positive, don't let the negative consume you"

"Mom, I don't know, I don't know"

"We're supposed to be figuring out what to do about her being pregnant and she wants to argue about pointless things"

"We can't talk"

"Y'all can't talk or y'all won't talk?"


"Don't y'all worry about it, i'll see y'all tomorrow" Mom said laughing a little bit

"Get you some sleep my baby"

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