At the training grounds, Hiccup runs his finger over a dragon-painted shield outline, asking Gobber, "You know, I just happened to notice the book had nothing on Night Furies. Is there another book? Or a sequel? Maybe a little Night Fury pamphlet?
Suddenly, KABLAM! A blast takes the axe head off of Hiccup's hilt, leaving a smoking hole behind him. Hiccup yelps and runs.
Gobber's voice booms, "FOCUS Hiccup! You're not even trying." The scene pulls back to reveal a Deadly Nadder, loose in a maze-like arrangement of moveable walls. Gobber, calling orders from above, adds, "Today... is all about attack."
The Nadder hops from wall to wall, sending the recruits scurrying. Y/n, struggling alongside the other recruits, mutters to herself, "Oh come on, Hiccup, stop asking questions about the Night Fury. You're putting yourself in danger, and I won't be able to save you even if I want to, because I hate mazes!"
Gobber continues, "Nadders are quick and light on their feet. Your job is to be quicker and lighter." The teens move in, stumbling over Hiccup and his unwieldy shield. The Nadder spots Fishlegs' ample rear hiding behind a wall. It whips its tail of spikes. Fishlegs screams, lifting an entire wall to shield himself from the spray.
Fishlegs, in a panic, shout, "I'm really beginning to question your teaching methods."
Y/n, struggling with her shield, echoes, "Me too."
Gobber, unperturbed, instructs, "Look for its blind spot. Every dragon has one. Find it, hide in it, and strike."
Hiccup, wandering up to Gobber, asks, "Hey, so how would one sneak up on a Night Fury?"
Gobber, annoyed, responds, "No one's ever met one and lived to tell the tale. Now get in there."
Hiccup persists, "I know, I know, but hypothetically..."
Astrid, whispers, "Hiccup!" She puts her finger to her lips and gestures for him to hide. A moment later, the Nadder leaps over the walls, surprising them by landing in front of her. Astrid somersaults into its blind spot, confusing it. She rears back to strike -- just as Snotlout leaps in, protectively sweeping Astrid behind him.
Snotlout, brimming with confidence, declares, "Watch out babe. I'll take care of this."
Leo, who has been keeping an eye on Y/n, sees her struggling and rushes over. He takes a defensive stance beside her and says, "I've got your back, Y/n. We need to be quicker."
Y/n nods, appreciating Leo's support. "Thanks, Leo. Let's move together."
Leo then glances over at Hiccup, who is still trying to figure out a way to get information about Night Fury. "Hiccup, stay focused! We need to survive this first!"
Hiccup, distracted but trying to refocus, replies, "Right, right. I'll be quick and light, I promise."
The Nadder, now targeting Leo and Y/n, hops closer. Leo raises his shield, "Stay close to me, we'll find its blind spot," he says, determination in his voice. Y/n nodded, ran and hid from the Nadder, and occasionally found Hiccup's figure to ensure he was ok and not become a target of the dragon.
Then the Nadder tore off after Astrid, knocking down walls in pursuit. She leaped and dived like a highly trained gymnast. Hiccup wandered up to Gobber again, musing, "They probably take the daytime off. You know, like a cat. Has anyone ever seen one napping?"
Gobber, exasperated, shouted, "Hiccup!" At the same time, Y/n and Astrid also yelled, "Hiccup!"
Hiccup spun around to see the maze walls collapsing like dominos toward him. Astrid came flying through the dust and crash-landed on top of him, laying him out in a limb-tangled mess.

FanfictionLost Between Timelines~ In a clash of worlds where the past meets the future, Y/n is caught in the middle. Once a modern young adult, she now navigates the rugged, dragon-filled landscape of the Viking era, hiding a secret that could change everythi...