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"I wanna take you out on a date."

Kylie's heart fluttered at Jordan's words—the invitation, the promise of something more. They'd met at the charity gala, a chance collision that had sparked a connection neither of them could ignore. Now, with miles between them—Los Angeles and New York—their late-night calls and sweet texts bridged the gap.

Jordan was different. She didn't fit the mold of Kylie's exes—the ones who'd sought her out for fame, for the thrill of dating a Kardashian or a Jenner. Jordan was real, her intentions genuine. She didn't need to brag about their connection; it was a quiet flame that warmed Kylie's soul.

As she leaned against her bedroom window, gazing at the city lights, Kylie wondered. Maybe love wasn't about grand gestures or expensive dates. Maybe it was about stolen moments, whispered promises, and the way Jordan's voice made her heart race.

"Okay," Kylie said, her voice soft. "A date sounds perfect."

Kylie's laughter danced through the phone line, a melody that resonated deep within her. Jordan's teasing question hung in the air, and Kylie imagined the curve of her lips, the playful glint in her eyes. They were both young, navigating uncharted waters—the thrill of connection, the promise of something more.

"So you busy this weekend?"

"Busy?" Kylie replied, her voice soft. "Well, let's see. I've got meetings, photo shoots, and the usual Kardashian chaos." She paused, her heart fluttering. "But none of that matters when I hear your voice."

And it was true. Jordan's voice—a blend of strength and vulnerability—stirred something in Kylie. It was more than attraction; it was recognition. As if their souls had whispered secrets across lifetimes, and now they were unraveling the threads of destiny.

And in that moment, miles apart yet connected by invisible threads, Kylie knew that love wasn't about schedules or fame. It was about the way Jordan's voice made her stomach twist, the way her laughter echoed in Kylie's heart. Seventeen or seventy, it didn't matter. They were writing their own love story—one that defied expectations and promised a forever Kylie had never imagined.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow across the room. Jordan's voice, soft and hopeful, hung in the air like a delicate melody. "So you will fly out here, right? Saturday?" The question danced on the edge of anticipation, the promise of reunion lingering in every syllable.

Kylie, her heart aflutter, met Jordan's gaze. Her smile bloomed like a rare, fragile flower. "Yes," she whispered, her voice carrying the weight of longing and promise. "See you then, love." The words were a secret shared between them, a whispered vow that transcended distance and time.

Jordan's fingers traced the rim of her phone, and with a final, tender look, she cut the call. The room seemed to hold its breath, as if aware of the magic woven into those simple words. Outside, the city lights flickered to life, mirroring the stars that would soon witness their reunion.

And as Kylie sat there, heart brimming with hope, she couldn't wait for Friday—the day she'd board that plane, cross oceans and skies, and find herself wrapped in Jordan's arms. New York awaited, but more than that, love awaited—a love that defied miles, that soared above rooftops and skyscrapers.

In that quiet room, the promise of Saturday hung like a constellation—a map leading her back to the one who made her heart take flight.


Kris's voice, sharp and insistent, sliced through the air, pulling Kylie from her weariness. "Kylie Jenner!" The syllables hung there, laden with expectation. Kylie's office, a sanctuary of quietude, suddenly felt invaded. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror—dark circles under her eyes, the weight of fame etched into her features.

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