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"Nope, not again!" Jamal's voice rang out, sharp and irritated, cutting through the stillness of the early morning. He stood at the edge of the bed, hands on his hips, glaring down at the scene before him. His frustration was palpable. The room was dim, but not enough to hide the sight of Jordan, sprawled on her bed, with two women nestled on either side of her, their arms lazily draped over her bare chest. Jordan was fast asleep, clearly oblivious to the world around her.

"Jordan! Wake up!" Jamal's voice climbed in volume, his patience quickly wearing thin.

A groan escaped Jordan's lips as her eyes fluttered open slightly, squinting at the now-bright room. The heavy curtains had been drawn, allowing sunlight to flood the once-dark space, stabbing through her skull like needles.

"What the hell?" she mumbled, the weight of a hangover pressing on her with a vengeance. Her mouth felt like sandpaper, and her head throbbed with the unmistakable ache of a night filled with far too many drinks. Flashes of the previous night returned in fragments-shots lined up at the bar, the loud music thumping through her body, and the two stunning women who had wanted to continue the party back at her place. She'd agreed, no questions asked.

"Jordan Lyon, you're getting up right now!" Jamal barked, his tone brooking no argument. He was pacing now, clearly exasperated with his younger sister.

"Ugh, Jamal, seriously?" Jordan rubbed her face, feeling the full weight of regret mixed with fatigue. "What time is it?"

Jamal didn't answer. His eyes narrowed as he stared pointedly at the two women still asleep beside Jordan, tangled in the sheets. "I thought you said-"

"I say a lot of things," Jordan cut him off, pulling herself into a sitting position and running a hand through her disheveled hair. "But me quitting alcohol? Yeah, that's never true."

Jamal crossed his arms, unimpressed. "And this?" He gestured to the women in the bed with her, his expression one of pure disgust.

Jordan groaned again, leaning her head back against the headboard. "Common mistake. I'm done, I swear." She knew it sounded weak, and she could tell by the look on Jamal's face that he didn't believe a word of it. He'd heard the same excuse too many times before.

With a sigh, Jordan turned to the women beside her, gently nudging them awake. "Ladies, time to go. Fun's over."

The women stirred, blinking groggily as they slowly sat up, clearly confused and still half-asleep. Jordan swung her legs over the side of the bed, wincing as the cold floor hit her bare feet. "Jamal, escort them out, would you? It's the least you could do after barging in here and ruining my morning."

"Ruining your morning?" Jamal scoffed but didn't argue. He motioned for the women to follow him, his frustration barely concealed. "Let's go, before this gets ugly," he muttered to them, ushering them out of the room.

Jordan shook her head, standing up and heading toward her in-built shower. Her room, with its dark tones and sleek design, looked like a luxury suite, but at that moment, it felt more like a prison. She stepped into the shower, the cool water hitting her skin and waking her up fully. How many drinks had she had last night? Too many to count. She groaned, thinking about the day ahead, the promises she'd made to herself that she'd break once again.

As the water poured over her, washing away the remnants of last night, she couldn't shake the nagging thought: maybe this time, something really had to change. But for now, the only thing on her mind was surviving the hangover.

After the shower, Jordan wrapped herself in her usual baggy attire, a signature look that had become a part of her identity. She chose a loose-fitting, oversized black hoodie with a faded graphic print on the front, its sleeves hanging well past her wrists. Below, she wore a pair of equally baggy cargo pants, their multiple pockets adding a rugged edge to the ensemble. The pants were cinched at the waist with a drawstring, and she completed the look with a pair of well-worn sneakers that had seen better days.

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