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Kylie sighed for the ninth time that morning, her phone buzzing relentlessly. She didn’t even need to check it to know who it was—Travis. The steady stream of texts only added to the growing weight on her shoulders. She rubbed her temples, knowing she’d have to address it soon but dreading the conversation.

For now, she had more pressing matters at hand—her family. Kylie had texted her family chat earlier, letting them know she’d be spending the day with her wife and kids. The reactions were mixed, as expected. Kim and Kendall had been predictably angry, furious that Kylie and Jordan were even considering working things out.

Khloe, ever the peacemaker, was pleased, while Kris couldn’t hide her relief that Kylie and Jordan were seemingly on the path to mending their relationship. Kourtney, as usual, was indifferent, sending a nonchalant thumbs-up emoji in response, showing she wasn’t particularly invested.

Kylie tried to push all of that out of her mind as she focused on the serene scene in front of her. They were at Eagle Beach, the white sands of Aruba soft beneath her feet. The salty breeze played through her hair as she watched Stormi and Aire, her heart swelling at the sight.

Stormi was a natural big sister, keeping Aire entertained with toys as he giggled, the soft sounds of his laughter mingling with the gentle crashing of the waves. For a moment, everything felt right in the world.

Jordan, who had been off to the side, walked over and sat beside Kylie, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. "Everything okay?" she asked, her voice gentle yet concerned.

Kylie hesitated, biting her lip. She looked down at her phone, then back up at Jordan. “Yes... it’s just—Travis keeps texting.”

At the mention of his name, Jordan’s face fell, and Kylie immediately regretted bringing it up. She could see the flash of hurt in Jordan’s eyes, that familiar pang of jealousy and insecurity. But before Jordan could respond, Kylie reached for her hand, squeezing it tight.

“No, love. I’m ending things with him,” Kylie said, her voice firm and full of regret. “I shouldn’t have brought him here on our Aruba trip. We were supposed to be celebrating our anniversary and my birthday, and instead, I complicated things. I’m sorry.”

Jordan’s lips pressed into a thin line, her eyes dark with unresolved emotions. “It’s fine,” she muttered, but Kylie could tell it wasn’t. There was a heaviness between them that wasn’t there before—an unspoken tension caused by the lingering presence of Travis in their lives.

“No, it’s not fine, Jordan. Cheating on you isn’t fine,” Kylie said, her voice breaking slightly. “You are my life. You’re it for me. I don’t know what I would do without you. I shouldn’t have hurt you like that.”

Jordan didn’t say anything at first, her gaze shifting to their kids playing nearby. Stormi shrieked with laughter as Aire tried to crawl after her, and it made Jordan’s heart clench. They were both quiet for a moment, letting the sounds of the children fill the silence.

Kylie took a deep breath, her eyes tearing up as she continued, “You gave me everything—Stormi, Aire. You were with me when I started my cosmetics line, when it was just an idea. You’ve been there for every single milestone, every big moment of my life. Not him. You. I love *you*. I don’t love him.”

Jordan finally met her gaze, the tension between them slowly easing. “I just... I don’t want to lose you.”

“You won’t,” Kylie whispered, her voice barely audible as she leaned in to kiss Jordan again, deeper this time, filled with the promises of their future. “I promise you that.”

“Mummy, stop kissing Mama!” Stormi shouted as she ran toward her parents, a playful pout on her face. She squeezed her way between Kylie and Jordan, pushing Kylie aside and clinging to Jordan's leg with a fierce grip. “Mine!” she declared, looking up at Jordan with wide, adoring eyes.

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