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Kylie's heart pounded in her chest, her mind swirling as she watched the unthinkable unfold before her eyes. The way Kendall's gaze lingered on Jordan, the intimacy in Jordan's hand resting on Kendall's back, sent a pang of pain straight to her core. Kylie had never expected this – a Christmas dinner meant for joy and celebration had turned into a nightmare reunion, one that made her feel both helpless and betrayed.

It was surreal. The memory of divorce papers still haunted her. They had arrived in the hands of Kris the moment Kylie returned from that ill-fated trip to Aruba, and despite all her efforts to find Jordan and make sense of it, she had been left with silence. No explanations. No closure. Only questions that had festered for five years.

Now, standing in front of her, Jordan held the answers. The very sight of her ex-wife—the woman she had once loved fiercely—awakened a flood of emotions, leaving Kylie teetering on the edge of anger, confusion, and an unspoken desire for answers.

Kris, sensing the rising tension, quickly stepped in. "Kids, why don't you go play or do something fun while the adults have a talk?" She attempted a smile, but even she couldn't mask the unease she felt.

Stormi hesitated, her eyes wide, locked on Jordan—her mama. She hadn't seen her in years. The little girl, now ten, felt the weight of time. In this moment, she wasn't the strong, mature girl everyone knew her to be. She was just a child again, desperate for her mother's embrace. Kylie noticed the tremble in Stormi's hand as it clutched the hem of her dress, her daughter clearly torn.

"Kendall?" Kylie's voice was soft, but the question hung heavy in the air, one she couldn't bring herself to fully form.

Kendall glanced at her sister, her face conflicted, but before Kylie could press further, Kendall turned to Stormi. "Stormi, darling, could you take Akiva with you? She might want to make some new friends." Her voice was calm, but the tension in the room was suffocating.

Everyone's eyes shifted to the little girl standing beside Jordan, no older than three. "Akiva is Jordan's daughter," Kendall revealed, her voice cutting through the silence like a knife. The room seemed to freeze, and Kylie felt like the ground had just been pulled from under her.

Jordan had another child? The thought stabbed Kylie deeper than anything before. She had spent five years wondering where Jordan had been, thinking Jordan had abandoned her and their children. She had lived with the pain of loss, while Jordan was out there starting a new life, possibly with someone else. Tears welled up in Kylie's eyes and spilled over without her even noticing. Her chest tightened, and she could feel the ache deep in her bones.

Stormi stood frozen, her gaze shifting from Jordan to Akiva, her heart breaking into pieces. "Mama?" she whispered, her voice trembling with hope, as though if she said it, maybe Jordan would break, maybe her mother would return to her.

But the cold, distant look in Jordan's eyes told her otherwise. There was no warmth, no recognition of the love they once shared as a family. Instead, Jordan's expression remained unreadable. "It's okay, princess," Jordan's voice softened as she addressed Akiva. "Go and play."

Kylie's breath caught in her throat. Jordan's gentle tone with Akiva contrasted painfully with the frigid way she spoke to Stormi. "You take care of her," Jordan said coldly to her daughter, "or else." Stormi nodded, swallowing the hurt and confusion building in her chest as she took Akiva's small hand, leading her away.

Stormi's once strong exterior cracked as she walked out, the weight of rejection pressing heavily on her young shoulders. Kylie's body shook, watching her daughter leave, knowing the pain that had just been inflicted on her. The daughter she and Jordan had raised together—now lost, just like Kylie.

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