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The grandeur of Kris's home buzzed with activity—adults mingling, grandkids darting about. Stormi, ever the spirited one, disappeared with her cousin True, leaving Jordan cradling her son, Aire. The little boy nibbled on his finger, delight dancing in his eyes. Jordan's giggle filled the air, a moment of respite from the turmoil within.

Kris, the matriarch, spotted her daughter-in-law's arrival. She rushed over, her focus solely on Aire. But as her gaze shifted to Jordan, concern etched her features. Jordan had transformed—a shadow of her former self. Just a month ago, she'd been as robust as "big mama," but now she stood there, fragile and diminished. Her eyes, once vibrant, were dull and swollen—a testament to sleepless nights and silent tears.

Kris's maternal instincts kicked in. She held Aire close, her voice gentle. "Jordan," she said, "what's happened? You're not yourself."

Jordan's eyes rolled in exasperation. She clutched a small juice bottle, its contents a secret only she knew. Vodka, her trusted companion, numbed the pain and dulled the ache in her heart.

Jordan shrugged, her shoulders barely lifting off the couch cushions. "Where's Kylie?" she muttered, her voice laced with a mix of disdain and desperation.

"Kylie and Jordan are going through a tough time, Mom. I had to pick up Stormi from their house, and it was a mess. I don't think Kylie's been home for a while."

Kris's expression turned sympathetic, her eyes softening despite her reservations about Jordan's financial status. After all, Jordan had been a part of their family for six years, and Kris couldn't help but feel a maternal instinct towards her. "Oh, Jordan, what's happening? You can tell me."

Jordan snorted, a humorless laugh escaping her lips. "You don't want to know, Kris. Trust me." She took a swig from her juice bottle, the vodka burning down her throat, a fleeting respite from the turmoil that had become her life.

Kris's maternal concern cut through the tension. She confronted Jordan, her voice unwavering. "Why have you lost so much weight? Why do you look like you haven't slept in a month?" The room held its breath, waiting for Jordan's response.

But before Jordan could answer, Kylie swept in, her presence a storm. Jordan's laughter, dark and bitter, echoed as she downed more vodka. She couldn't face this—couldn't bear the weight of betrayal any longer. Without a word, she stood and retreated to the backyard, seeking solace in the night.

Kris's gaze followed Jordan, worry etching her features. And then, with a resolve that spoke of years of motherhood, she turned to Kylie. "Follow me to the kitchen," Kris said firmly. "I need your help."

"Okay," Kylie said leaving Travis alone with Kylie.

The kitchen hummed with tension, its polished surfaces reflecting the fractured family dynamics. Kris Jenner, resolute and unyielding, faced Kylie—the daughter who had strayed from the path of loyalty.

Kylie's eyes darted around, avoiding her mother's gaze. She had perfected the art of evasion, but Kris was no ordinary adversary. The matriarch had weathered scandals, tabloids, and family feuds. She knew how to wield love as both a weapon and a shield.

"Kylie," Kris began, her voice steady, "we need to talk."

Kylie's lips tightened. She had expected anger, perhaps even tears. But Kris's calm demeanor unnerved her. She leaned against the marble countertop, feigning nonchalance. "What's there to talk about, Mom?"

Kris's eyes bore into Kylie's soul. "Jordan," she said, the name weighted with accusation. "She's unraveling. Stormi sees it. Hell, even Aire senses it."

Kylie scoffed. "Jordan's a grown woman. She can handle her own—"

"—pain?" Kris interrupted. "Betrayal? The shattered illusions of family?" Her fingers traced the edge of a crystal vase. "You think this affair is just about you and Travis? It's not. It's about Stormi, Aire, and the legacy we've built."

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